Chapter 31:Learning How To Fly.

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Thursday 13th January 4:30PM.

(Y/N)s POV.

Me, Phil, Niki Drista and Micheal made it back to my house, Phil nearly fell twice on the way back but Niki and Drista helped keeping his balance.

"God damn it Tubbo, what is wrong with him!".

Drista complained as she ended up sitting on my couch with Niki and Phil, I put Micheal down on the couch with them.

"Drista calm down please, it was probably an accident".

Phil added in as Drista gave him the look of 'are you serious Phil?'.

"An accident?, Phil he attacked you and from those injuries you have now, they weren't on accident either".

Drista stated as I sighed and went in the kitchen to make a cheesecake since I was in a mood for it. Niki seemed to notice as she came into the kitchen with me.

"Hey there (Y/N), can I help you make uhm what are you making anyways?".

"Oh I'm making a cheesecake and sure you can help me".

I assured as Niki smiled while we got to work at making a cheesecake together.

Once we were done, I put the cheesecake in the fridge as now I noticed Micheal came up to me with a child's book in hand.

"Hm?, you want me to read it to you?".

I asked as Micheal nodded and smiled gleefully, I chuckled as I lifted Micheal up.

"Sure thing Micheal, what do we have here-".

I asked as I sat down on a stool, sat Micheal in my lap and started reading, Niki chuckled.

"You know, your good with kids (Y/N), if not better".

"Oh thanks Niki, I think you will do great as a mother also".

It seemed to catch Niki off guard but she shook it off and shake her head sideways very quickly.

"Shes right Niki, even I have to admit it".

Drista called out as she is now laying on the couch with her legs propped up over Phil's legs. Niki seemed to be blushing furiously but she hid it very well.

"Please stop it, your now starting to embarrase me".

"Okay okay Niki, we will take the compliments to a minimum".

Drista added as I continued to read the book to Micheal as a conversation is happening in the background. My wings then started to hug me and Micheal, making Micheal laugh as he touches my wings.

"Awe, I'm glad to see you like my wings, I forgot they were there for a while".

I added in as I then see Niki pull out the cheesecake with Drista getting off the couch as she rushed into the kitchen. Phil followed along as I put the book on the counter once Micheal started squirming, probably because he wanted cheesecake. I put him on the ground as he rushed to where Niki is handing out a slice of cheesecake. Drista is stuffing her face full of it but thanked Niki, Phil thanked Niki and Niki gave Micheal a slice, which he is very happy about it.

"Uhm (Y/N) can I talk to you alone please?".

Phil asked as I nodded.

"Okay, me and Phil are going to go to the backyard".

"Okay then (Y/N), we will keep Micheal entertained".

Niki added as Drista chuckled.

Me and Phil had left the kitchen and out in my backyard.

"Alright (Y/N), are you ready to fly?".

Those were the words that I have been waiting to hear Phil say all day. I squealed and nodded as I not only jumped around excitedly but my wings started to flap upwards. Making me lose balance and fall down but I got up anyways.

"Whoa calm down (Y/N), I know your excited but still calm down".

"I know Phil, I'm just really excited to fly up high Uncleza".

I spoke as Phil just chuckled while I giggled.

"Alright then, let's get started. So the ways of flying is difficult at first but you'll get there eventually. Just a heads up.".

Phil started as he ate the cheesecake, which I nodded as he continued eating the cheesecake. Once he had finished eating the cheesecake, it seemed that his wounds are gone and his feathers are no longer ruffled.

"Thanks for the cheesecake (Y/N), let's get started".

Phil spread his wings and they flapped, which made him float upwards.

"Okay then (Y/N), to be able to fly, you must trust your wings like as if they are your second pair of arms. That's how me and your mother learned how to fly on our first flight".

I nodded as I then started to feel my wings on my back flap viciously, which made me fall down. Phil chuckled as he ended up helping me up.

"We have got a lot of work to do (Y/N) and I promise you, you'll be able to fly in the sky eventually".

"Uhm Uncle Phil, why is there a crow watching us on the apple tree?".

I asked, which Phil turned around and indeed there is a crow on a apple tree branch.

"Oh that should be for me, hello there buddie".

The crow squawked as there is a letter on its right leg. Phil simply took the letter while rubbing under the crows chin.

"Oh this is from Kristin, oh dear she must be worried sick when I didn't respond to her first".

Phil spoke as I hummed and then started to try and fly by myself while Phil went inside to go get a peice of paper and a pen.

"Philza needs to respond immediately otherwise Kristin will be upset- Oh a fresh apple full of ants, don't mind if I do".

I could hear the crow chatter as I hummed in curiosity but I didn't interact with the crow as I continued to practice flying.

It took me a few tries and I could hover off the ground for only fifteen seconds and then fall down to the ground. Phil came back with a written letter and gave it to the crow that's been pecking on the apple full of ants.

"Okay off you go little buddy".

Phil spoke to the crow as the crow squaked at him once Phil tied the letter to the crows leg. I watched the crow flew off into the sky and then the crow turned invisible once it reached the clouds.

"Whoa, what is that Uncleza?"

"Thats the only pet I was gifted. Your mother healed the crow and then gave the crow to me when we first came to earth. Crows are one of the things I can't kill by touch since it was a gift from your mother and it can't be taken from me. But anyways, let's start flying now shall we?".

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now