Chapter 21:Reading The History Of L'manburg.

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Tuesday 11th January 7:30PM

Narrators POV.

(Y/N) said her goodbyes to Niki and Drista as she walked home by herself, on the way she felt something tug on her hand. She turned around and became surprised to see a child piglin tugging her hand for her attention.

"Oh hello buddy, are you lost?".

(Y/N) asked as the baby piglin nodded but didn't talk, which she estimated the child to be atleast three. She simply sighed as she lifted the child up.

"Well my names (Y/N), do you have a name?".

The baby piglin shook their head sideways. (Y/N) had noticed the piglins hair is covering the left side of their head so she moved the side of his hair away. It revealed a small skeleton eye socket, she simply awed at it since she thought it was cute.

"Well kid, I'ma call you Micheal, do you know where your parents are?".

The child or Micheal became confused by the word 'parents'. Now that worried (Y/N) so much as to who'd want to leave this kid alone when it's getting dark.

"Okay, I'm going to take you home with me Micheal, can you please hold this for me?".

(Y/N) offered 'Revolution Of L'manburg' to Micheal, which he nodded and held the book in his hands. (Y/N) smiled as she walked home with Micheal in her arms, just happy to have a bit of company and who knows maybe she might adopt him.

Once the two got home, (Y/N) simply opened the door and walked straight to the kitchen.

"So Micheal, I'm going to be making dinner, would you like to watch since there isn't much to do?".

Micheal nodded, he understands way more quicker than a normal three year old, which caught (Y/N) by surprised.

"Okay Micheal, here I'll set you up on the stool, please don't wreck the book because I wanna read it".

(Y/N) explained as she sat Micheal on a stool that is on the other side of the counter. His chin barely makes it to the top of the counter, Micheal nodded as he placed the book on the counter.

"Okay here you go Micheal, just incase if your still hungry".

(Y/N) handed Micheal a cookie, which he smelled the cookie and then took a bite. It reminded (Y/N) of Ranboo, she shook it off as she decided to make meatballs with spaghetti and bolognese sauce.

It only took her an hour to make dinner as she is a professional at nailing making dinner. She ended up putting some spaghetti and meatballs in two bowls, Micheal became excited when dinner was coming up.

"Alright, I see someone's excited, here you go Micheal, you should try it, give me a nod if you like it".

Micheal nodded as he was handed a fork, he instantly poked the fork into the meatball and stuffed the meatball into his mouth. (Y/N) chuckled as she ate her dinner, just watching Micheal chew and enjoying dinner.

Afterwards, Micheal finished just as (Y/N) had finished eating dinner. Micheal simply yawned as now he has full guts.

"Awe your tired, give me a moment Micheal, I'm just going to put the dishes in the sink. Hey how about I read you 'Revolution Of L'manburg' for a bed time story?, since I'm interested and you might be interested".

Micheal seemed to nod as he rested his arms on the counter and rested his head in his arms. (Y/N) chuckled as she grabbed both hers and Micheals dishes and put them in the sink. She turned on the hot water tap in the sink and wait till it filled up halfway to the sink.

She turned off the tap once the dishes was done, turned around to see Micheal still barely staying awake while holding the book. (Y/N) chuckled as she walked straight to Micheal, lifted him up in her arms as Micheal held the book tightly in his embrace.

She carried Micheal straight to the guest room, which doesn't have much. It was a bland room with a closet, bed, desk, shelves and a stool in the corner. There is a small window that faces to the back yard but the windows curtains is closed. (Y/N) tucked Micheal into a medium sized bed with only a sheet, two pillows and a blanket that's bigger than him.

"Alright Micheal, ready for a bedtime story?".

(Y/N) asked, which Micheal nodded tiredly as he gave the book to (Y/N). She giggled as she opened the first page to the book.

"Okay let's get this started-"

Narrator in the book POV.

The Revolution Of L'manburg started back in the fourteenth century. Back then was the time where humans were suffering the black death that spread across Europe. But around that time was when the abnormal had evolved and became apart of our lives in the fourteenth century. They are called the SCPs, they are as facinating as they are dangerous. Some aren't like Puffy, Niki, Drista and Phil, others were humans but became animals but had died off unfortunately.

The SCPs had created a country called L'manburg, it was foretold that L'manburg is one of the oldest countries in history. It is also the country that had held abnormal phenomenon's and unbelievable myths in the world. The founder of the country is Wilbur along with Tubbo and Tommy, they helped Dream create the country. Because of that, more and more SCPs came into the country. Then politics came in and decided that a president shall be in order and best for the country.

The first president to ever be elected in L'manburg is Jschlatt who won with fourty six votes. Beating the other two groups called POG and SWAG, he declared to exile Tommy and Wibur and changed L'manburg to Manburg. It wasn't over when Tommy and Wilbur had created their rebellion group and thus preparing for war. Luckily they have someone else on the inside of Manburg named Tubbo, who is Tommy's best friend. Tubbo kept selling them information while Jschlatts reign of terror was starting to fall due to not having many friends, calling democracy a lie and immediately exiling half of the country.

Jschlatt had came up with a festival of democracy and then let Tubbo deliver the speech for the festival. Unfortunately it seemed Jschlatt figured out that Tubbo had been selling information to Tommy and Wilbur. Thus sending Tubbo into immediate execution with Technoblade serving as the executioner. Technoblade had killed Tubbo and also the whole of Manburgs citizens but back then they all had three lives. Once they use up all their three lives, they are permanently dead.

Once Tubbo was executed, he ran back to the hidden base of Pogtopia, a war was about to begin soon. Once the war began, there was a whole heap of bloodshed and death in the air. Pogtopia against Manburg and no mercy was spent on the war, until the war came to an end by Jschlatt dying of a stroke from alcohol. Thus making Jschlatt dead forever and the war came to an end right there and there.

Back to normal Narrators POV.

Now that sparked (Y/N)s interests, Micheal had completely falled asleep, which made (Y/N) awe in adoration. She pat Micheals hand and left the guest room for him to sleep as she walked straight to her room. With the book in hand and planning to read the whole history until she falls asleep.

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now