Chapter 39:Dealing with Punz

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Tuesday 18th January 7:30AM.

Narrators POV.

"Those God damn scientists my arse!".

"Language Drista, not in front of Micheal!".

Phil told off Drista as (Y/N) had covered Micheals ears while he's eating breakfast. The casual day of Tuesday has came and Drista is furiously complaining about the meeting her and Niki had attended yesterday.

"Calm down Drista, you'll scare Micheal with all of the shouting".

Niki spoke, trying to calm Drista as Drista is seething in anger and Niki's attempts are proven pointless to Drista.

"Listen Niki, I love you and all but those sick dickheads can go fuck themselves because no way in hell-".

"Language Drista, calm down!".

Niki and Phil spoke as (Y/N) kept Micheals ears covered from all the swearing Drista is producing at the moment.

"I would but I'm pissed at the moment, first those scientists can go fuck themselves for trying to convince Puffy to make (Y/N) to work there full time when she's only there for a fucking month-".

"Thats enough swearing Drista!".

Phil snapped as Drista ignored Phil's rant.

"Now they want Micheal to be kept in the asylum for 'observation studies' like what the fuck is wrong with them!. I thought they were supposed to be smart!, I'm glad Puffy didn't agree on that like seriously. The thought of keeping a child in the asylum full of murderous SCPs just scares me".

Drista ranted and complained as slowly her swearing has died down, which made (Y/N) take her hands off Micheals ears a little bit. Once Drista had stopped ranting and focused on eating her breakfast, Niki spoke calmly since she finished eating breakfast.

"Basically, the scientists were trying to rope Puffy in the idea of keeping both Micheal and (Y/N) in the asylum. Which didn't work in their favour since Puffy wouldn't allow another person that has a job already and a child to stay any longer than they were promised".

Drista huffed as Phil and (Y/N) hummed as Micheal is oblivious on what's happening.

The group had finished eating breakfast, had done the dishes and left to the asylum with Micheal now holding Drista's hand.

"I'm telling you guys, those scientists need to study the human brain because they don't have brains now do they?. No offense Niki, your practically the smartest person in the asylum in my opinion".

Drista spoke as Niki blushed but shook her head sideways and chuckled.

"None taken Drista, I know you hate them more than the SCPs combined-".

"Saying that is an understatement Niki, I despise both of them on another level".

Drista cutted in as Niki shook her head sideways.

"Okay but what I'm trying to say is that the scientists are just try to do their jobs. You know that every countries scientists in the world are interested in the SCPs. We are there to make sure that the SCPs don't manage a breakout. Remember the final war with getting Dream back in the asylum that destroyed our countries?. Yes its our job to make sure that the SCPs won't cause doom again to the world from the breakout".

Niki explained while slowly changing the subject as Drista nodded but she isn't really happy with the scientists right now.

The group had made it to the asylum as Niki had lead the group towards Punz cell.

"Alright (Y/N), your going to be dealing with Punz, keep in mind, he's new and if I know him enough. He can become corrupted from his strange behavior but you should be fine".

Niki added as (Y/N) nodded as Drista let (Y/N) into Punz cell.

"SCP-Punz25, you have a therapist for thirty minutes, don't hurt them".

Niki spoke as (Y/N) looked at Punz, he seems ordinary like Karl, he has short white blonde scruffy hair. Blue eyes and pale skin, he's wearing the same SCP uniform as the others but like Karl's, it's not binding him. Punz is sitting against the wall and he is clutching onto his eye of ender necklace protectively. (Y/N) saw the fear and sadness in his eyes as she felt sorry for him being thrown in here like Karl, against their wills.

"Who are you?".

"Oh I'm (Y/N), don't worry I won't hurt you okay?".

(Y/N) stated as her wings flapped a little bit as Punz stared at both (Y/N) and her wings.

"Your an SCP like us?, are you here to break me out?".

Punz asked curiously and kept his excitement down as (Y/N) looked at Punz in disbelief.

"No, I'm here to give you therapy, I'm not sure if it'll help but I'm here to help you".

(Y/N) spoke as she sat down and saw the disappointment in Punz's eyes but he just stared at (Y/N)s wings in admiration.

The two kept talking for a while, with Punz tempted to touch (Y/N)s wings but held onto the urge to do so.

"Come on (Y/N), thirty minutes is up".

Drista called from the door as Punz eyes widened, he didnt want (Y/N) to go yet, he held onto her hand on instinct when she stood up.

"Where are you going sweetheart?".

That nickname from Punz made (Y/N) blush furiously, she shook it off and smiled gently at Punz.

"I'm going to lunch with my Uncleza and my friends, you can ask for me during lunch if you want Punz?".

(Y/N) offered, which Punz took it into consideration and nodded, slowly letting go of her hand as (Y/N) waved Punz goodbye as he waved back. Completely ignorant about his smiled spread across his face.

Obsessive Desires. (Yandere SCP Dream Smp x Therapist Fem Reader). *Completed!*Where stories live. Discover now