Chapter 28:A Strange Morning.

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Thursday 13th January 6:30AM.

Narrators POV.

(Y/N) listened to Phil telling her all about her mother until 9:50PM at night. In all honesty, that's how (Y/N) dreamt what her mother would be like if she was still alive. (Y/N) yawned as Phil noticed and smiled gently at his neice.

"Alright, it's time for bed (Y/N)".

"But I wanna know more about my mom Uncle Phil, please".

"No (Y/N), your tired and you need to sleep, don't worry I'll sleep on the couch if you want".

(Y/N) only nodded as she rubbed her eyes, she started walking to her room and spoke softly.

"Goodnight Uncle Phil, I'll see you tomorrow".

(Y/N) heard Phil say goodnight to her too as she walked to her bedroom and crashed on her bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

(Y/N)s POV.

I woke up but for some reason I felt extra weight on my back, I groaned as I sat up and stretched.

"Why do I feel like I'm carrying a bag full of weights?".

"(Y/N)!, come on breakfast is ready!!".

I heard the yells of my uncle, I smiled, it feels nice to finally meet people that are close to my mom. I got out of bed and walked straight to the kitchen for breakfast.

Once I got to the kitchen, I could smell bacon, eggs and pancakes. I walked to the kitchen and I see Phil flipping what seems to be a pancake and Micheal reading a children's book.

"Good morning Uncle Phil, good morning Micheal, you both had a good sleep?".

I asked as I rubbed my eyes to get rid of my tiredness. Micheal turned around and he seemed to be smiling widely when he saw me.

"Oh I had a good sleep, Micheal woke me up early because he wanted a cookie so I told him I'll make pancakes".

I couldn't tell why Micheal was staring at me or was he staring at something behind me. I turned around and saw nothing that seemed to be interesting, I turned around and saw Phil looking at me from behind and chuckle.

"What's wrong?, what's funny?".

"Oh you really haven't noticed (Y/N)?".

Phil asked as Micheal started to giggle, which made me confused.

"What are you talking about guys?".

I asked as suddenly I heard the door knock.

"Right I'll come back and you better tell me what's funny".

I said as I walked straight to the front door, I opened it to see Niki and Drista as usual with their duffle bags. What's new is that they now have black bags under their eyelids.

"Hello girls, rough night wasn't it?".

The two looked at me and it seemed to make them look at me with mixed emotions. One of those are giddy emotions, what is so funny?.

"Uhm (Y/N), haven't you looked in the mirror yet?".

I shook my head sideways to Niki's question as I let them in, I decided to look at myself in the mirror right now.

Phil's POV.

"Heya Phil, what's up?".

I then see Drista and Niki come in from the hallways. I can tell that the two have black bags under their eyes.

"Oh nothing much, rough night I'm guessing".

"Yeah, the scientists are just being pri- uhm I mean nuisances now".

I glared at Drista, she nearly swore in front of Micheal, luckily she noticed Micheal was there in the first place. Micheal looked at Drista and smiled happily as I placed a plate with two pancakes that has butter and whipped cream on it. I then handed two plates to Drista and Niki full of eggs and bacon as I handed them forks and knives.

"So uhm, does (Y/N) kno-"


(Y/N)s scream was heard all over the house from the bathroom, I chuckled as it took the three by surprise.

"Now she does".

Instantly (Y/N) sprinted back to the room as she looked ecstatic with a big smile on her face. Heh, just like (Y/M/N).

"Is this the reason why you guys were laughing?!".

(Y/N) asked as all three of us, including Micheal nod and then burst into laughter.

"Oh you guys are jerks, why didn't you tell me immediately?!".

(Y/N) mildly shouted as she took a seat next to Niki as I handed her a plate with bacon and eggs. Her wings are almost the same size as (Y/M/N)s wings, what makes it unique is that her wings are (F/C) with (S/F/C) tips on the bottom of her feathers. Almost like her mom, I smiled sadly but shook it off as I ended up grabbing a plate for myself and fill it with bacon, eggs and a pancake. Occasionally I would always look up and stare at (Y/N) because she just reminds me of my sister thats been gone for years.

"Hey uhm, (Y/N), if you like, I can teach you how to fly, how does that sound?".

Instantly (Y/N) swallowed her food quickly as she grinned excitedly.

"Oh that'll be great Uncle Phil, I'd like to learn from you".

(Y/N) responded as I smiled, (Y/N) is just like her, she has her mothers kind heart and personality but her attitude is her own.

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