I'm A Survivor/Time To Dance

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After all the commotion that had gone on today, I decided I would head to the game room and shoot some pool to kill time. I really didn't want to go shopping with Erelin tomorrow. Everything was just weighing in on my mind from all the events that happened this week.

I had already found Rick in his study with Jenny earlier right after Brendon and Ryan's fight occurred. They were inseparable, pausing only briefly for me to wish them congrats on their engagement. I didn't bother to stay long and chat because they seemed so anxious to celebrate being off alone. However, I did tell them what had happened with Brendon this morning and thanked them for helping him not turn into toast.

As I set up the balls on the pool table into the holder I got to thinking about things. I have had to give up so many things that I have loved over the past few years that it wasn't right. I wanted a change in my life. I wanted to go back to the old free spirited me.

I wanted to get back into my swimming and I used to be into art. I used to do drawings and paintings for my art classes I took in college. And speaking of college I still needed to withdraw from my classes. So much has happened to me that it was starting to take its toll.

I had always been a survivor of things and a fighter but I have slowly been stripped and broken down away from the things I love and who I used to be. I lost Colin a long time ago. I really did love him at one time and I have lost my mother. And to find out that your dad is a vampire and may have played a role in her death is almost too much to handle.

Luckily, I have Pete here who makes me smile. I know I have him to lean on. What was first his way of getting revenge by kidnapping me and wanting to use me to get to my dad, has turned into friendship. I am not held captive here but rather I am safely protected from my father. I choose to be here. I am glad I am here. I am with my best friends Erelin and Sam who are my family. I even have new friends.

I sense that just as Pete is here for me to talk to which I haven't exactly told him everything about me yet, I am here for him too whether he knows it or not. I have changed him just as he has changed me in a way. His persona has changed about who I am. I want to be the strong person I used to be but it is hard right now.

The night Pete saw me swim as fast as I could in the pool he told me I should stick to my swimming. It was something I did because I loved the sport but gave up after mom died. Maybe Pete was right. I shouldn't give up on the things I love.

I shot some pool after I had set up the table and smiled. I had my friends here and they were all family to me. And I had a great guy who I was taking things slow with who may be a vampire but that was ok. It didn't hurt that he has become a big distraction for me. He has the looks, the moves, the smile, and a complicated personality at times but whatever. He defiantly had my attention and I loved it.

I was about to take my next shot when I felt two arms wrap themselves around me then turn me around. Pete had snuck in behind me and I didn't notice him because I had been lost in my thoughts. He then kissed me, leaning me into the pool table.

I pulled my head back a bit and smiled. Someone couldn't wait another hour or two to see me. I ducked down and got away from him laughing as I ran to the opposite side of the pool table he was on.

"I thought I told someone they had to wait until it was time for our date to see me." I said grinning.

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