Monsters In The End ✔

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(Chapter twenty one)

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(Chapter twenty one)

The girls and I were sitting in the Apple Rose Grille. Spencer told us that the police found a string of Ali's sweater on her name bracelet.

"Do you think somebody rubbed that sweater on your bracelet?" Aria asked.

"Somebody? Try Ian." I remarked. "He's doing everything he can to make you look guilty."

"Your parents should hire you a 24 hour bodyguard." Emily said.

"What about Jenna?" Aria asked. "What if she paid Caleb to get that bracelet?"

"When was Caleb in Spencer's house?" Emily asked.

"He doesn't need an invitation, Em." Aria said. "He broke into a vending machine with a spork."

"Guys, I think somebody's watching us." Spencer said. I turned around to look out the window. I didn't see anyone except those creepy dolls they'll use for the founders festival.

"Those? They're for the founders festival." I said.

"Man,if that's what Rosewood's founding family looked like, how did they ever get anyone to move here?" Aria deadpanned.

"And why were they allowed to reproduce?" Spencer commented.

"Guys if Caleb was-" Emily started but Hanna cut her off.

"Could we stop using the 'C' word?"

"We know this is hard for you,okay?" I said. "But we have to talk about Ca-- him."

"If we want to help Spencer, we have to know what Caleb knows." Emily said.

"Guys, there is definitely somebody out there." Spencer whispered.

"Maybe if Katherine and I cornered Caleb, not in school, but somewhere that's Jenna free." Aria said ignoring Spencer.

"If Caleb's gonna talk to anyone, it's gonna be me." Hanna snapped.

"Will you do it?" I questioned.

"To help Spencer, sure." Hanna replied.

"Thanks, Hanna." Spencer said.

We all gathered our things and stood up,we walked out of the diner.


The next day I was packing my stuff into my locker at school. Caleb walked over to me.

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