Worries and Introduction

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tbh i love how irl dream is the sweetest and in actual lore that isn't "sort of shifted" for this book, c! dream is the most evil (even tho i love him).

"Y/N, wait!" Dream shouted.

"Dream, I can't anymore-"

He pulled you into an embrace. "Y/N, I'm sorry."


"Please, I'll try my best to be better. Don't leave me. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Clay, I forgive you," You sighed.

Dream had his mask off and he had tears in his eyes. "I love you."

You smiled. "I love you too."

You heard a beep from your pocket, and checked your phone. You had almost forgotten that you had it, although it was at ten percent. It was a message from Techno. He should definitely be back from his "trip" soon. Although, you did assume he was back earlier, but apparently not. You gasped at his message.

He was wondering why you were gone.


Y/N, I just got back. Where are you?




I left you with Wilbur and Tommy.


I left a while ago, did you think they were going to be able to keep me there?


I'm coming over to Pandora's Vault rn


Don't you dare.


Cya soon bestie

You stared at your phone in annoyance. Techno was going to start a fight with Dream. He'd probably bring Wilbur and Tommy with him. You didn't really want to see them. Especially your ex, Wilbur.

"Dream, Techno's coming. He might bring his brothers also. I don't know how to prevent his arrival. We're going to have to deal with Wilbur and the child."

"I hate them-"

"Well there's no way to stop them."

Dream peered over your shoulder to look at your phone. "Did he really say bestie in that text?" Dream laughed.

"Yeah, he did. But Clay, I really think you should set things straight with Sapnap. You should become best friends again."

"I don't know about that-" Dream started.

A man walked inbetween the two of you. It was Punz! You hugged him tightly. You hadn't seen Punz in ages. You were seperated the first time XD had brought you to Sapnap. It had been months.

"It's been forever, I missed you, Punz," You smiled.

"I missed you too. There's some people here."

You and Dream turned around to see a boy in a purple hoodie with dark blonde hair. His eyes were also purple, and he looked similar to Punz in a way, but he looked a lot younger. You hadn't met him before, although you felt like you saw him before. Maybe in one of the previous conflicts or events?

"Who's this?"

"This is my younger brother, Purpled," Punz explained.

"You never told me about him," You commented.

"Wow, Punz," Purpled mumbled. 

"He's one year older than Tommy," Punz spoke.

"Hey, Punz," Dream greeted.

"It's nice to see you, man," Punz smiled.

"So, we have an issue. Tommy might be paying us a little visit. I know Dream hates Tommy and-" You started.

"Don't tell me Tommy is coming," Purpled interupted.

"Techno mentioned that Wilbur and Tommy would be coming with him."

"I'm leaving, bye Punz."

"Hey! Purpled, just chill out, ok? Tommy's not going to kill you or anything."

"Don't worry, I'm not very happy that they're coming either," You sighed.

Purpled waited, leaning against the walls outside of Pandora's Vault. Dream had put his mask on, and he was now discussing something with Punz. Maybe you'd try and start a conversation with Purpled.


Purpled looked up at you. "Hello," he spoke.

There was a long silence. "So, are you the one who's dating Dream? I don't know, Punz was talking about it."


"He seems to like you a lot."

You paused. "Oh, ok..."

You shuffled nervously. "That's nice," You added.

He stopped leaning against the wall and walked over to you. "I'm bored," Purpled complained.

"Well, it seems that the brothers are here."

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