Three Against One

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"You better back off," Dream warned.

Wilbur ignored him.

As Dream got closer to Wilbur with his axe, you kicked Wilbur and he grunted in pain, causing him to loose his grip on you. As you slid out of his arms, you stood next to Dream, the two of you facing Wilbur, who was holding his leg. He dusted off his dark brown trench coat, and you could see his yellow sweater peaking out from underneath it.

You couldn't help but wonder about the white streak going through his brown hair.

Punz walked over to your other side, protectively holding a shield in front of you, while decked out in netherite armor. His sword was sharp, and he tossed you a spare sword aswell. "Thanks, Punz," You smiled.

Dream shot Punz a dirty glare of jealously, but got back to focusing on the target. Wilbur just stared at the three of you, not appearing to be the least bit intimidated. You saw a bit of blood coming from the cut you gave him. Ouch.

You would have felt bad, but he just tried to kill you, so you didn't.

"You're outnumbered, Wilbur. Give up and maybe we'll let you live," Punz ordered.

"Are you sure we should let him live at all?" Dream whispered.

You nudged Dream. "What? He just tried to kill you. Darling, maybe that Death Note of yours would be useful," Dream spoke.

"I'm trying my best to not use it unless I have to," You sighed.

"This is an emergency."

"Maybe, Clay, Maybe."

Dream liked the sound of you calling him by his real name, but he didn't want to admit it out loud.

"Are you three done?" Wilbur scoffed.

"My apologies, we're ready to kill you now," Dream replied, with a little bit of a wheeze.

Wilbur went straight for you, and you dragged your sword down his arm, fresh blood pouring out. That had to hurt. Wilbur winced in pain, but returned the favor. He cut his sword deeply into your skin, and then got a hit that left a scar on your face. Hopefully that would go away, or maybe you'd have a cool battle scar.

But it was really painful. You held your leg with a whimper, and tried to ignore the burning on your face, and the aching of your leg. You didn't want to look weak, so you kept going in the battle. You took a deep breath, and lunged at Wilbur, causing him to block the hit, but to also jump back.

"You've upgraded, Y/N," Wilbur commented.

Dream noticed your pain, and went over to check on you mid-battle. "Darling? Are you okay? I can get you back to the lab. We have to stay there for a while, due to the TNT issue and some reasons I'll explain later."

"I'm okay. We can take care of it when we get back, even then it's not that big of a deal," You replied.

Dream didn't seem to believe you, but he nodded, glancing over at you every other second. Punz was also extremely concerned, but you told him the same thing that you told to Dream, and that was that you would be fine.

You truly did think that, your cuts could have been worse.

As the battle advanced, you got more cuts and bruises, but what else did you expect? Wilbur seemed to almost be defeated. He was bleeding everywhere, but so were you. You noticed blood on Dream and Punz also, hopefully they were ok.

"Are two ok?" You questioned. They both nodded.

The three of you approached Wilbur as Dream knocked his sword out of his hand. Wilbur started to back up, and you assumed that he was ready to give in. As he put his hands up, something felt off. "Dream, Punz, move!" You shouted.

Wilbur used one of his tazers once again, and zapped you, causing you to falll on the ground. To be honest, you wouldn't have cared that much if he normally tazed you, but falling straight onto the ground with aching legs and burning cuts on your body was terrible. The tazer had to also had it's signature zap.

Wilbur moved forward, attempting to get to you. He probably just wanted to get you and then run away like a coward. Dream jumped in front of you with a shield, and after the shock effect wore off, Punz grabbed your hand and helped you up.

You held your back for a moment, but stood with no fear, wobbling for a split second and struggling to regain your balance. Wilbur didn't have much defense left in him. Dream kicked him to the ground, and he could barely move due to all of his injuries.

"Should we kill him?" Dream asked, turning to you and Punz.

"I'm not sure, Dream," Punz answered.

"I should be able to make the final choice," Dream spoke.

"I really don't want to loose him, but it could be for the best. I just wish it didn't have to come to this..." You sighed, rubbing a single tear from your eye.

"Since I'm feeling nice today, I'll leave him. If we truly ever need him dead, Y/N, please let us use your Death Note," Dream requested.


The three of you got further away from Wilbur and closer to Dream and Punz's lab and home. You started to feel lightheaded from all of the pain you were in. You had suffered the most injuries since you had no armor. Dream and Punz were prepared with netherite, and you didn't expect there to be a battle, so you were just wearing everyday clothing that was now covered in blood.

You whimpered, and the two men seemed to notice. You were walking, trying to stop yourself from falling over. "Are you ok, Y/N?" Punz asked.

"Y/N? We can take a break," Dream added.

"I-I-m f-fine," You said, out of breath.

In the next second, you collapsed.

You didn't remember much besides being carried by one of the men there.

The next sunrise, you woke up in a cozy bed that you haven't seen before.

a masked sunrise✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα