An Intresting Dream

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"It was nice, actually," You replied.

Dream tilted his head. "Is that so?" He looked upset.

"Please just trust me for once. I was telling Techno where I am," You pleaded.

He sighed and looked down at the ground, running a hand through his fluffy dirty blonde hair. Hopefully you didn't upset Dream too much. You wanted him to truly trust you. You wanted to earn his respect.

"Very well," Dream said.

You froze after Dream's words. It wasn't because of what he said that put you into a shock, it was something else. He seemed confused as you put a hand on your forehead and almost fell over. "I think I need to lay down," You spoke.

Dream looked concerned as you collapsed onto the couch. You felt hot, and everything was blurry. Sweat went down your forehead, and you started to feel dizzy. Something was happening...

Your eyes closed and you saw a light...

"Hello?" You questioned.

The light was coming closer and you could see a pair of wings, but no human face was visible. As the figure approached closer, you saw the cloaked man. Dirty blonde hair similar to Dream's poked out of the top of the cloak. The man was wearing a mask like Dream's...

But the symbol on it was different.

It was two letters.


"Hello?" You repeated, nervously.

The man didn't respond. You looked him up and down. "Who are you?" You asked.

"I'm DreamXD, but you may refer to me as simply XD."

You paused and tilted your head.

"Dream?" He had the same hair color, he had a similar mask, and his cloak was similar to the one that Dream once wore, only with more gold details. XD's voice was much deeper, and he was taller than Dream suprisingly. Dream's height is nothing to XD's height.

"I'm not Dream."


"You may have just met me, but I know you. I'm a god," XD answered.

"Are you some god version of Dream?"

"It's complicated."

"Are yo-"

XD seemed angry. He took a deep breath and placed a hand on your shoulder. "You need to learn who is above you, Y/N. I'm a god. You just simply need to listen to me. God, you're just like Foolish sometimes."

You knew that name. "Why are you appearing in my dream and not when I'm awake?"

"Enough with the questions!" XD roared, making you shake.

"You'll see me soon enough if you know what's best for you."

And with that, he dissapeared. You had woken up. The interaction left you confused and somewhat scared. XD confused you. You still didn't even understand who exactly he was, and why he was so angry at you.

He seemed to want to see you. You knew Foolish, and you assumed that XD had to be somewhere around him. Maybe he would give you answers. The god had to have come to you for a reason.

Dream stared at you once you opened your eyes. "Y/N?"

"I have to go somewhere."


"To Foolish."

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