Living in Pandora's Vault

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You walked past endless obsidian walls as Dream led you through every branch of security. You were brought to a cell looking room in the middle of a lava lake. Why was he bringing you to his old cell?

"Clay, what are we doing here?"

"I'm sorry, but I think it's best for you to stay here for now. Don't worry, I brought more comfortable sleeping adjustments and such," Dream explained.

"Are you kidding me?" You retorted.

Dream seemed suprised that you didn't like his idea. You didn't want to live your life in a dark and preserved obsidian cell. You understood that Dream was trying to protect you from all of the people who were after you, but you didn't want to throw your life away. You wanted to fight your demons, not hide from them.

Your hair was now up in a ponytail, and you were still wearing your black combat outfit. Dream seemed very confident in his choice. He really thinks he's doing the right thing. You didn't want him to be mad at you.

"I don't want to do that," You responded.


"Come on Clay, I don't want to be locked up again."

"But it won't be torture. I'll bring you whatever you want and I'll stay with you a lot. You'll get whatever you need."

"I still don't want to do it."

"Do it for me? Please?"

Dream was getting close to you, and he took his mask off to reveal his take on puppy eyes. You didn't want to say no to him, but you didn't agree with it. He held onto your hand lightly, slightly shaking it as if he was in the largest panic in the world. Dream was well aware of your doubts. He knew that you were about to say no.

"Clay, come on."




"Fine. I'll try it out for one week. And unless it's everything you say it is, I'm out," You decided.

"Of course, let's get you settled! Thank you so much, darling. Stay in there, I've already got most of your comfortable furniture in there, and a decent supply of food and water. I'll come back wit your every need. Just text from this phone, ok?" Dream spoke, handing you a phone. It only had his number on it.

"I'm suprised your phone isn't cracked," You laughed.

"Oh, it is. But it's hanging in there," Dream laughed in response.

"Sweet dreams, my love," he smiled, leaving you in the cold cell alone.

You quickly discovered that you hated being in this block of obsidian. You understood why Dream was always so angry and miserable after escaping it. He was there for over a year, and he was barely given any food. He was barely able to communicate, and he had to sleep on a rock-hard obsidian floor. It's so unfair that they made him sleep on the hard and cold floor when they could have at least provided a mattress.

This was only liveable because Dream provided extra supplies for you, but it didn't make it much better. The sound of the lava brewing and dripping filled your ears the whole night, and you despised it. The cell was freezing cold, and the room was pitch black at night, and it wasn't even that bright during the day.

You were lonely, worried, and uncomfortable the whole night. There was no way you were ever falling asleep. Dream asked you how it was the next day, and you just said that it was ok. He seemed happy that you weren't suffering that much, but you really were. That week passed by, and Dream didn't return on the final day.

Did he lie? Was he going to keep you here forever?

Another week passed by, and he visited less and less, not even giving you time to ask him to leave. He was oddly busy, and you were starting to get concerned that you were never leaving. One day, he finally appeared for more than a few minutes.

He stood there, staring at you. "I have some news."

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