Sapnap's Reasoning

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"Just go away, I returned Karl to you. Now leave me alone."

"Where's Quackity and Dream? I know that you were with them."

"Why would I tell you?" You spoke, rolling your eyes and attempting to push Sapnap away. He just slammed you against the wall again.

"Answer me."

"Fine, they were with me, but I'm not saying where they are right now."

"I'm going to kill Dream, and I'm going to have a little talk with Quackity. It seems that he betrayed our trust by helping you take Karl. Did you really think that you'd take Karl from me and then kidnap him and get away with it?" Sapnap yelled.

"You're trying to make a plan to kill my boyfriend, you can't talk."

"He doesn't even love you, just get over it and help me kill him."

"Dream does love me. How would you even know Sapnap? We used to be good friends, and then you randomly decided on killing me and Dream."

Sapnap looked at you in suprise. You didn't say anything crazy. Does he really think that he didn't betray you also? After the whole situation after your wedding, Sapnap was harsh on you at first. But after you started to get along with Dream, Sapnap and you warmed up to each other. You were close with him.

At the time, the Dream Team was still united. Sapnap, Dream, and George were all best friends. And Dream had just so happened to discover you. You were introduced to the Dream Team in a very unpleasant way. You liked to think that Dream kidnapped you for war reasons, but you knew that there was a little more to it besides getting an advantage over L'Manberg.

Sometimes, you missed L'Manberg. You even missed Pogtopia. There was a lot of arguements and issues after Wilbur started to go insane, but Pogtopia was the first time you could live in a place with a bunch of the people you love. You don't love all of the same people anymore, but at least you still had Dream.

You did miss George. Besides teaming up with Sapnap and Karl, he had never wronged you. He did say that he joined them because you ran to him claiming that Dream was evil. But you changed your mind. Dream was just trying to protect you. You had decided that he was a good person, and you had no doubt about it.

He treated you so kindly, he would do anything for you. You just wished that Sapnap would realize that. Sapnap was still looking at you blankly. You guessed that you had hit a soft spot. Maybe he had some regret about wanting to kill his ex-best friend deep down. Maybe there's a part of him that wants to be Dream's best friend again.

But you've seen how Dream acts around people he isn't close with, and how he acts when he's around people he hates. He treats you sweetly, or he's overprotective, but either way still shows that he cares about you and loves you.

Dream had attacked Sam to get revenge, and he was getting ready to kill Quackity, but you had stopped him. He wasn't going to let anyone who wronged him get away easily. You respected it in a way, but it was also a curse in ways.

"Y/N," Sapnap's voice echoed.

"What do you want?"

"I'd like to become friends with you again. I've done some things I probably shouldn't have done. But I can't be at peace with you if you're fighting alongside Dream," Sapnap sighed. He seemed upset but you could also hear a tone of anger in his voice.

"Listen, I know you hate Dream for what he's done to people. For all the reasons he was put in prison. But there's obviously something specific that he did to you that you aren't telling me," You replied, trying to be as kind to Sapnap as you could.

"I thought you knew by now. Doesn't Dream tell you everything?" Sapnap remarked, in suprise.

"Well, I don't know. He tells me some things. Go ahead."

"I disagree with a lot of Dream's actions, and I used to generally think he was a good person deep down, much like you do now. When he was in prison, I still considered myself his best friend. I didn't always side with him, because he manipulated people and tried to controll everyone. I told him to wait until Sam let him out, so he could live out his sentence. And just so you know, he's hurt me before this, but I've loved him like a brother through it, just like you love him as a girlfriend currently."

You nodded, intrested in what Dream could have done that is horrible besides escaping the prison.

"I told him that I would ruin everything if he escaped the prison and started harming other people again. I claimed that I would kill him if I had to. I gave him a fair warning. Dream didn't just escape, he came to me after he escaped. I own the armor he used to wear before he went into prison. If he had this back, he could be unstoppable. I declined his request. Dream didn't take it well."

"Well it's his armor-" You started.

"It doesn't matter," Sapnap interupted.

"Anyways, he kept asking for it, as I still told him no. And do you want to know what he did next? He tried to kill me, and then he threatened to blow up and destroy my kingdom and it's people if I didn't listen to him," Sapnap explained.

You gasped. "He tried to kill you?"

Sapnap nodded.

"Before you attacked him?"


"And he was going to ruin your home..."


"That's horrible. Sapnap, I don't know... I still want to be friends with you and all, but I love Dream. I have to ask him about this. Let me go for now, please. I'll think about what you said."

"Very well. I'll be seeing you soon, Y/N," Sapnap responded, walking away.

After a long walk, you returned to Pandora's Vault. What had Dream done?

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