Dream's Violent Plan

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"You better not touch him," You threatened.

"Come on Y/N, you love me, not him. So, why does it matter? All he's ever done to me is torture me," Dream insisted.

"I don't care. I may not love him, but he's still my friend."

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do then."

Dream grabbed an axe and started to walk toward the room that contained the door to exit the prison. You ran after him, tugging at his arm. If this was anyone else, you would have attacked them. But you refused to even punch or kick Dream. You didn't want to hurt him. Should you if it comes down to it?

"Y/N, move out of the way," Dream ordered as you stood between him and the door to the next room.

"I'm not hurting you Dream. But don't touch him, or else-"

"Or else what?"

"Oh my god, I don't know! Just leave Quackity alone!"

"Move out of the way," Dream repeated.

You didn't budge. Dream gently threw you over his shoulders and started walking off with you. "What the heck? Put me down!"

He ignored you. "I really don't want to hit or kick you right now!"

Sometimes loving Dream so much ruined things for you. You couldn't even object to what he was doing because you didn't even want to slightly injure him. He put you down in front of a small prison cell.

"You wouldn't dare."

"It's the only way to get you to stop. I'm sorry."

"I"ll let you out when it's all over love," Dream whispered.

"You think that I'm going in there willingly?" You retorted.

"Well, you wouldn't hurt me, so how could you possibly object?"

You pushed Dream onto the wall and started to run for your life. You needed to help Quackity before Dream got to him. Your heart was racing, and you were running super fast. You opened the door to exit and slammed it in Dream's face, trying to lock it quickly. Quackity was sitting outside, confused at your concern.

"Quackity, Dream's trying to kill you! Get out of here! Now!" You yelled in panic as Dream tried to open it.

"Come with me."


"Leave Dream and come with me."

"Quackity, I don't know. For now, just run! I can't hold him back much longer!"

He nodded, and ran far away. Dream opened the door, finding Quackity to be nowhere in his sight. He looked at you in anger, and backed you up against the wall. Dream was upset all right. You had ruined his plan, but you felt good about it.

"You ruined my plan," he hissed.

"I wasn't going to let you kill him! Are you out of your mind?"

"Obviously you need to reconsider your loyalties," Dream observed.

"Dream, back off a bit."

"Why should I?" he whispered, getting even more in your face and then putting his hand on your cheek.

You blushed, but you frowned after it. "Dream, you can't try and kill my friend and then flirt with me to get me to forget about it."

"Why not? I'm pretty good at flirting, aren't I?"

You pushed Dream off you. "I don't know if I can talk to you right now," You sighed, starting to walk off.

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