An Unevenly Matched Fight

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You gasped at Sapnap's evil grin. Another figure came out from behind him. This couldn't be real. The second figure was the brunette boy that you hadn't seen in ages. His clout goggles rested on his fluffy hair, and you and Dream looked at each other in horror. This was not going to be good.

"Sap, come on. Just end this madness," You sighed.

The brothers would be here any moment. Or maybe they would show themselves after Sapnap and George left. And here's an even better question, why was George even with Sapnap? You watched the brunette fidget anxiously, and Sapnap looked like he was up to nothing good. You didn't like it.

Dream stood next to you protectively, putting his arm in front of you. You looked up at the tall man with a smile. The two of you would face Sapnap and George. You didn't care if it was you and Dream against the world.

"I think I'd rather kill Dream," Sapnap smiled.

Dream grunted, looking at Sapnap angrily. "You can try," Dream laughed.

Sapnap looked dead serious. He wasn't joking.

"George, why are you here?" You questioned.

"A while back you told me that Dream was ruining your life and he was killing people," George explained.

Ah, thanks George. Dream didn't know that you told anyone. You weren't angry at him anymore, but at the time you were. And you had decided to run off to George and tell him what was happening. Dream was not going to be happy.

"Y/N...." he grumbled, looking at you, his face growing red in anger.

"Oh, I see you didn't tell your little boyfriend about that, did you, Y/N?" Sapnap smirked.

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up, Sapnap?"

Dream pulled you close to him. "Are you serious? I thought I could trust you!" Dream yelled.

You were shaking at his aggresive words. "Clay, we've began to trust each other more since then! I didn't know what I was doing. I promise!" You cried.

"We'll discuss this later, love. We're going to have to have a talk."

"Oh no are you in trouble?" Sapnap teased.

You were done with Sapnap. He was just getting so annoying. You punched him directly in the face as he hit the ground. As blood dripped out of his nose, he stood up, slightly dizzy. Finally, that's what he deserves for betraying you, Dream, and your friendship. Sapnap had ruined everything.

Dream tried to hold back his laughter.

Sapnap wiped some blood off his nose and looked at his palm that contained a small object. Before you could even get a good look at the object to see what it was, Sapnap started a fire. Dream yelled, yanking you out of the way.

He ran toward you with a sword and a flint and steel. Dream grabbed a small sword from his small bag clipped onto his belt and threw it to you. He held an axe, which usually happpened to be his weapon of choice.

"I guess it realy does have to come down to this, Sap," You yelled.

George pulled out a small sword, but he seemed hesitant to fight. You managed to knock the flint and steel out of Sapnap's hand, and the fire was put out. Thank god Sapnap didn't get a bigger chance to start a fire.

You and Dream were clashing your swords against theirs, but Sapnap was getting all bloody and bruised up. Even though Sapnap wanted to kill the two of you, it still hurted to see his blood on the white snow.

Maybe Sapnap's idea of sneaking up on Dream with a trap would work out better for him.

They seemed to be loosing. "They'll have to give up soon, unless they have another trick up their sleeve," Dream whispered.

"Actually, I do," Sapnap smirked.

"Welcome my time-traveling and combat-trained fiancé!" Sapnap exclaimed.

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