Planning a Trap

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"Sapnap. I thought we were friends..." You whispered.

"Of course we are."

"If you stop your realtionship with Dream."

You stared Sapnap down, still attempting to untie the ropes around your wrists. It was no use. Sapnap was now devoted to hating Dream, which seemed to be the case for a lot of people. You weren't sure if XD hated Dream, but he defintely didn't want you to be with him. But there was no way you were going to leave Dream.

"No," You replied.

Sapnap tilted his head, walking closer to you. XD sat on a large throne-like seat at the other end of the room. He really thinks that he is the king of everything. Well, he is god, but you didn't really care anymore.

"Fine. I wanted to use you as bait anyways."

Sapnap smirked and and picked up a sword from his rack of weapons. He walked toward you menacingly, the tip of the sword under your chin, tilting your head upwards to look him the eyes. A small flame color lit up his eyes for a split second. You knew that he was connected to fire in a way.

BadBoyHalo, a literal demon is his dad, so you weren't suprised.

"For what?"

Sapnap just laughed. "You're really this oblivious. I want to kill your little boyfriend, and I know his exact location. You're probably wondering where your death book went. I have it. I'm the God of Chaos, Y/N," He smirked.

"I won't let you kill him. I have an idea of what you're going to say, but how does this involve me?"

He was going to use you to bribe Dream.

"You're my bait. I'll set up a trap with you and he'll come crawling out of his base to see you. And then I'll kill him," Sapnap smiled.

You raised an eyebrow. Did Sapnap know about the home you, Punz, and Dream were staying in? But Dream hadn't been home for a while. You were starting to worry about him. Had he started a new base and left you? And poor Punz, he probably had no clue where you were. If you did get hurt, Dream would blame him.

"I hate to break it to you, but I haven't seen Dream in a week or so," You retorted.

"He didn't tell you, did he?" Sapnap spoke, suprised.


"He's in the prison. He's kicked Sam out, and he's using it for his own personal base. We found Sam almost dead outside of the prison," Sapnap explained.

"Sam claimed that he just got attacked by an animal. It was very obvious what happened. Plus, XD revealed where Dream truly is, so we know for sure."

Sapnap turned to XD who then nodded.

"If you think I'm going to listen to you. You're crazy, Sapnap," You hissed.

"I know," He smiled, the fire glistening in his eye once again.

"You're going to listen," Sapnap whispered.

"Will I though?"

XD stood up from his throne. "You will. You know what will happen if you don't. I can kill anyone I want to," He taunted.

You grunted and just sat there with no alternative response. 

"Do you have any ideas for our little trap, Y/N?" Sapnap smirked, lightly panting your head to tease you.

"Shut up," You muttered.

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