Wilbur and Karl

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You turned around, your heart beating fast. Where was Karl? You saw him hiding behind a nearby tree. What was he doing? You looked at everyone nervously. They really thought you were crazy.

"I'll be right back," You spoke, quickly running into the forest and pulling Karl behind a large tree.

"You better tell me what's going on, now," You hissed.

Karl started to... sob?

"I'm sorry! He's forcing me to do it!" Karl cried, choking on his own tears.


"Wilbur.. He's crazy, Y/N. He can't accept that you love Dream. He wants to be with you so bad, and he won't just let it go."

"How do I know you aren't lying?"

"Y/N... I'm sorry," Karl whispered.

He transformed into Wilbur. You gasped. "What the-"

Wilbur covered your mouth and hit you on the head hard. You felt your bones aching and everything went black. You had no clue what Wilbur had hit you with, but it was strong enough to keep you out for a while.

When you woke up, you were sitting on a cold floor. You saw Wilbur pacing back and forth. But when he saw that you were awake, he paused and started to walk over to you. Oh god, not this again. You didn't even want to see him right now. You could already see the smirk on his face. He has you right where he wants you.

"Wilbur, I don't understand. Was it you or Karl speaking to me?"

"Karl changed himself into me. He was standing there, and he switched our places," Wilbur explained.

"Wilbur, let me go."

"I'm better for you."

"You're not. I'm happier with Dream. You need to let it go," You sighed.

"You're my fiancée," Wilbur smiled.

"You're my ex, and I have no feelings for you."

"Ouch, love. Hey, want to redo our wedding? L'Manberg would be proud of us," Wilbur insisted.

"L'Manberg is gone. Our love is gone."

"Don't say that. I'll always love you."

You backed away when Wilbur went to lean in. You didn't love him anymore. Why didn't he get that? Was Karl truly sorry for helping him or was it just an act? An act to make Karl look innocent. 

"Did you force Karl to help you?" You asked.

"I did what I had to do."

"Wilbur... You need to stop."

"Where's Karl?"

"Karl!" Wilbur yelled. 

Karl entered the dark room. It was him this time. At least you hoped. "Karl?"

"Can I speak to Karl in private?" You requested.

"Make it quick."

You and Karl went into a storage room, and you started to break down. "Karl, you better tell me what's going on!"

"Ok, ok. I'm really sorry, Y/N... I'll start from the beginning."

Karl looked stressed, and he didn't seem like he wanted to do this to you. You saw the worry on his face as he stood tall, fidgeting with the strings of his colorful swirl hoodie, and fixing his messy brown hair every other minute. He was nervous to tell you, wasn't he? You wondered if Techno and Tommy knew about this. What would they think?

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