Blood Vines

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Techno didn't have time for Tommy's jokes. He wanted to kill Sam. He had taken Ranboo from him, and had even taken Michael, Ranboo and Tubbo's son, hostage. It made Techno sick to his stomach, and there wasn't much he could do about Ranboo's death anymore. If Dream wouldn't bring him back, the only way Techno could see him would be through Ranboo's ghost spirit.

But there was one thing he could do for Ranboo. Techno could save his son from Sam's grasp. Even if many people hated Dream and wanted him in prison, Techno wanted everyone to realize that Sam was his own villian.

Just because Sam held Dream in prison for a long time, it didn't mean that Sam was the hero.

Sam had let Quackity torture Dream in prison. If you knew that, it would probably help your understanding of why Dream was so aggresive and angry when he was out of prison. He was thankful for Techno's rescue.

Technoblade did owe him a favor. Tubbo had suggested something that sparked an idea in Techno's mind. They could lock Sam in his own creation, Pandora's Vault, the prison that Dream was held in for over a year.

He thought about asking you to come. You were one of Ranboo's best friends. However, he had no clue where you were, and Techno wanted to protect you. You had enough going on, and what would Sam think about the girlfriend of his sworn enemy? He'd probably have a negative reaction.

Technoblade decided to just go with Eret and Tubbo.

After days of Dream demanding that you get rest, he finally approved of you walking around. You had almost forgotten about the chaos with Lazarbeam and Vikkstar. But by now, you knew that they were dead.

You weren't sure if you were going to forgive Dream for that.

Everytime he did something like that, you wanted to leave him. But sometimes he could just be so sweet. Why did Dream have to have such a complicated personality? You try to think that's he has improved somewhat...


You had walked outside to get some fresh air, and noticed a red vine in the woods. That's weird... When you looked at it, you felt like you were going to faint. You could have sworn that you heard a voice speaking to you.

As you started to feel dizzy, you rushed inside, bumping into Punz. "Hey..." He spoke.

"Dream told me that I need to just leave you alone realtionship wise. He knows that you were just trying to make him jealous."

"It's complicated, Punz. We'll all figure it out soon, but just know that you'll always have my friendship," You smiled.

He put your hand in his. "Of course. Angel, why do you look so stressed?" Punz questioned.

You were sweating... Your wounds were sort of healed, but they were defintely better than before. Great, Punz probably thinks that your in pain, and then Dream will have you in lockdown again. So overprotective.

"I'm fine," You insisted.

"If you're sure," Punz replied. He knew something was off.

You rushed back into Dream's room. He seemed to be unmasked around you a lot lately. "Y/N? What's wrong?" Dream asked.

"I have a question..."

"Yeah?" Dream spoke, slightly concerned, his lime eyes meeting your E/C ones.

"What was that thing that Hannah spoke about? Like the thing that controlled her? I think her name is like Hannah Rose or something. Wasn't it the Egg or something?" You questioned.

"Yeah... It took over a lot of the people on the server like BadBoyHalo and stuff. It went all over the server with red blood vines, and sometimes it's voice gets in people's head, just like Hannah, who used to be opposed to it. Hannah Rose betrayed everyone at the Red Banquet. I just heard this information from a friend, since I was in prison," Dream explained.

You had a flashback to the thing you saw outside. It matched Dream's description. "Oh, thanks. Uh, I'm bored Dream," You spoke, trying to change the topic.

"You're worrying me. Why would you ask about that?"

"I'm just curious."

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Dream suggested.

You thought of the red vines in the forest and shuddered.


Dream was now holding hands with you, and the two of you walked outside on the trail inside of the forest. The sun was starting to set. Hopefully this walk could take your mind off of things. Maybe you were just seeing things earlier...

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