What Dream Started

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This may change, but I'm thinking of doing a third and final book, but I'll most likely be working on my Techno x Reader, and starting another Dream x Reader after or during the process of the third book. If you get a chance, check out the first few chapters of the Crime System! Have a great day! I have to keep making a lot of extra lore bc Sapnap and Dream haven't continued their lore story lol. 

When you entered the prison, Quackity and Dream were in a panic. When they saw you, they both looked very angry. Did they know you had let Karl out? You didn't even want to see their reaction.

"Y/N!" Dream yelled.

"Did you do it?" Quackity demanded.

Both of them had ran over to you, and were very close to you. Quackity started lightly shaking you, and Dream stood there. "Um, what are you talking about?"

"Karl escaped. And you left right after," Dream spoke.

Your head dropped down. "I did it."

"Why? What the heck, Y/N? This was our idea!" Quackity yelled.

"Listen, I owed Karl a favor. And he was threatening to do bad things if I didn't bring him back to Sapnap," You explained.

"Y/N, I told you that I'd handle him. I can't believe you would do that. Come with me," Dream ordered.


"Y/N, I don't know if we can trust you. You could be working with Karl right now, either you're doing it because you want to or he's forcing you," Quackity spoke.

"What, so do the two of you want to gang up on me now?"

"Y/N, darling-" Dream started.

"Sapnap told me something."

"You talked to him?"

"Yes, I did."

Dream froze. He knew what Sapnap had told you.

"Before he started trying to kill you, you tried to kill him, and you threatened to blow up his kingdom."

Quackity turned to Dream in suprise. "What the heck man?"

"I didn't kill him, did I?"

"You tried," You responded in annoyance.

"Listen, don't tell anyone about that who doesn't know," Dream pleaded.

"Hm, maybe I will."

Dream pulled you close to him with a tight grip. "Don't. Understand?"

"Why not?"

"What has gotten into you, Y/N?"

"Ooo, drama," Quackity chanted in the background.

"Shut up Quackity," Dream mumbled.

Dream loosened his grip on you with a sigh. He didn't want his little secret to get out, did he? Maybe Sapnap was lying, but Dream had done something. You didn't want to fight with him, but you couldn't just let him get away with trying to kill people.

"You can't just kill everyone who doesn't give you what you want."

"I'm protecting you!" He insisted.

"Listen, Clay, I love you, but you can't keep hurting people and giving me excuses that it's to protect me."

"Ouch," Quackity whispered.

You turned to him in annoyance. "What?"

"You said I love you to him."

"I'm dating him."

"I didn't hear that."

You rolled your eyes and turned to Dream once again. Dream stared Quackity down. "Could you like leave the room for a bit?" He requested.

"Wow. Sure." 

And with that, Quackity went outside of the prison.

"Well, this isn't going how I expected," Dream sighed.

He took of his mask, and leaned against the obsidian wall. You blushed slightly. Dream looked nice. But you needed to focus on the topic instead of Dream's looks. You weren't sure if you were the villian in this story. If you helped Dream and he was the villian, you would be one too. But you were unsure of who the hero was.

"Clay, I'm sorry. It's just getting out of hand. First you harmed others, and then you killed Lazar and Vikk. You almost killed Sam and Sapnap. People have told me that you're trying to manipulate everyone, including me. I'd like to not believe that last bit," You explained.

"I'd never do anything to harm you, you know that, love."

Dream had done a lot of bad things to you in the past... But he was right. He had been treating you right mostly. He learned his lesson. But he was doing bad things to other people and keeping it a secret from you. It's as if he knew that you would be upset if you knew. He knows what he's doing is wrong.

"But you harm others..." You whispered.

"YN, darling, it's us against the world."

"Clay, there are other people out there besides me. Thank you for treating me so wonderfully, but you neeed to open your eyes. They deserve proper treatment too. You don't have to love them, but you can't go around trying to kill or manipulate them. It's not right, Clay, and you know it," You spoke.

"If they won't listen to me, I've got to do what I've got to do."

"No, Dream, you don't."

"I had to get revenge on Sam. I needed to get rid of Lazarbeam and Vikkstar for the tests. I had to try my best to get my armor back. I gave Sapnap a warning. I don't want to take my armor off his dead body, but he just won't give my property back."

You gasped. "Oh my god... Quackity..."

"You're going to try and kill him, aren't you?"

"Well, I can't let him in our home, can I?"

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