Chapter 48

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"How are you?" Alene held on to her tight, her body was small but she had enough muscle to make up for the lack of fat. Bee never let go of the young boy, she was gone for months and the only person she missed was him. Her companion, her best friend, her brother.

"You know, I'm here. That's all that matters, right?" she muttered, feeling a sour taste in her mouth as those words left her mouth.

"Well don't sound so disappointed about that, I don't know about you but I'm happy you're here. And you know... alive", Alene cupped her face and lifted her head to meet her eyes, he smiled as she kept her gaze on him, "I'm really happy you're back". Her mouth twitched, trying to give him a smile but the gesture was foreign to bee. The only person she had smiled for these past few years was right in front of her but as she focused on other things, she soon forgot how to do it.

"Stop teasing me", she loosened her grip and then walked over to the bed, after laying down she patted the empty side next to her. Alene complied by plopping onto the mattress, causing bee to almost fall on the floor," Seriously?" she lifted her eyebrow as she playfully glared at him.

"what? I haven't been here for months, and your bed is soft as fuck!" he allowed his body to sink into the mattress, Bee laughed as she let out a sigh of relief.

"You know you can come over whenever you want, I'm pretty sure Alessandro wouldn't mind... He would actually appreciate the company". She placed her head on Alene's chest, making sure to press her ear in order to listen to his steady heartbeat.


"you know what I mean", She sighed, "Where's Alek?" There was a moment of silence before Alene spoke," he went ahead by himself, but he'll be there when we go".

"I don't think he'll be happy that I'm there", bee looked out the window, trying her best to block out the world as her eyes took in the scene before her. The beautiful blue sky, clear and bright, with no grey in sight. It was perfect, for a day like today, it meant that they were being smiled down on.

"He'll be happy that you're there..." Alene paused before his arms wrapped around Bee's small body," he asks about you all the time".

She scoffed," and he most likely prays that every time he asks that you tell him I died". the room became quiet, still, not even a single breath can be heard. His grip on her tightened, the feeling of their bodies close to each other brought warmth through Bee's body. She missed this, the feeling of being loved, her eyes closed and she soon felt drowsy but Alene quickly poked her cheek.

"Are you seriously falling asleep right now? We have to go!" He grinned mischievously as her eyes burned holes in his face.

"I seriously want to hit you right now", instead of being afraid, he chuckled and pecked her cheek.

"you would never hurt me", his tone sounded smug, and he had every right to sound that way because no matter how much he annoyed bee. No matter what he did that could cause her to become angry, never in this life or the next, would she lift a finger to cause him harm. He was the only one safe around her, and the only would who could calm her down, but it wasn't always that way. For a while, she felt nothing but resentment towards the boy, every single cell in her body screamed to get rid of him because he was another person in this world that experienced motherly love from...

From her.

Even though she pushed him away, and made him feel worthless, he still remained by her side and showered her with love. When everyone stepped back, he was brave and continued walking forward, toward her. The second he grabbed onto her, his grip never loosened; instead, it became tighter. More secure.

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