chapter 14

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Here is Chapter 14!! Thank you for waiting and please comment if there are any errors. Play song anytime during the chapter. 



Beatrice's POV

Tears began to fall, as I watched her get up from bed hyperventilating, I knew she couldn't see us standing in front of her, begging for her to calm down.

My father approached her but she stepped back and grabbed a razor blade and began to cut herself, pain that she's held onto over the years is finally coming out into the light.

I'm sorry

Ever since we came here, all I focused on was making sure she doesn't leave me but was that too selfish? Did it hurt her more seeing me with a family that missed me? What a stupid question, of course it hurt her. I watched as she cried repeating the same phrase, and I realized that she finally broke, but I stayed strong and because it was my turn to be her rock.

Now, as I lay beside her, listening to her heartbeat it was time to pick up the pieces and slowly help her heal. Years, she had been abused in every way possible just so that I could be safe and I never thanked her. I could feel her slow heartbeat, it always gave me comfort knowing that she was beside me and I was safe but I just realized that my presence never gave her the same feeling. All my brothers, Michael and my father were asleep on the floor, Nico got up early to make everyone breakfast. He wanted to make sure she woke up to a warm meal, instead of just a simple apple that she usually eats. Ali shifted in the bed, and her movement caused all the boys to lift their heads and check if she was okay. They did that the whole night, none of us got any sleep because we were afraid that she would wake up and try to harm herself again. I lifted my head so that I could admire her a little more, she may have felt my stare because she slowly opened her eyes. 

Once she adjusted to the morning light, her eyes shifted towards me. "Good Morning", her voice caused all the boys to want to jump a little but they decided to stay still. Her eyes were red and puffy, her complexion was pale giving her a dead look. "Are you okay?" Ali lifted her eyebrow as if she was confused by my question but then slowly the memories of last night began to fill her memory, she lifted her arm and saw it bandaged, since I still had my arms wrapped around her waist I could feel the faint feeling of her heart dropping.

"I-", she stopped when her eyes began to see the bodies scattered all around the floor, and without hesitation she covered my eyes. With a shaky breath she whispered,"d-did i kill them?"

When we heard her whisper that, Michael quickly got up causing Ali to flinch at his sudden movements. "Hey there", he slowly approached the bed,"how are you feeling? Are you hungry, Lessie?"

"Why are you all in here?" she looked at all of my brothers but stopped her gaze when it fell on father. I could tell Ali remembered how she hugged him last night, she began to play with the blanket as her cheeks turned red.

"I'm s-sorry for c- '', she was cut off as my father somehow teleported from the door to the bed and embraced her in a hug. "Don't apoligize! I am the one who is sorry, I am so fucking sorry on how I treated you. I fucking hurt you emotionally, making you feel like an outsider, like a waste of space, replaceable". He cupped her face with his hands,"you don't have to forgive me now, but let me make it up to you. I don't care how long it takes, just let me fix my mistakes... please!"

Alessia's POV

What is going on?

It's a trap, don't let yourself be persuaded.

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