Chapter 9

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After winning the first two fights, most of my anger was gone but when it was time for the finale my anger was replaced with excitement. For my favorite person was standing right in front of me, or should I say my favorite opponent, Diablo.

He was the first person I fought when I started out, he was a small scrawny kid like me and over the years we both not only grew up together but we improved our physical strengths. It seems like he has the same mindset as me because everytime I would come in to fight, he would be here too. We would always see each other so without even talking it out, it became our little tradition to always end our day with fighting each other. The winner would always either be me or him, but what I like about him was that he never underestimates me just because I'm a girl and smaller than him.

When he looked over to me, there was a small smirk on his face then he turned back to his manager so that he could get his hands wrapped. I sat down on a stool in the corner and began to wrap my hands when there was a sudden presence in front of me, then a pair of knees came into my line of vision. I looked up to be met with light blue eyes, surrounded by black paint.(Image of what his face looks up top, I didn't find something that completely matched my imagination so look at the photo and imagine something attractive lmaoo) 

His white hair slicked back as a small strand fell over his eyebrows, Diablo had come over to my side after his hands were wrapped and knelt in front of me.

"Вам нужна помощь?(Do you need help?)", he extended his hand and waited for me to place the wraps on his hand.

"благодаря"(Thanks)", he gave me a small smile after I had gently placed them on top of his palm.

"Могу я? (May I?)", after three years of fighting each other he always asks before he grabs me in anyway when we're not fighting. It was refreshing and a bit sad that he was the only man in this world aside from Mikey that actually considered my feelings before laying a hand on me. I nodded and stretched out my arm, he slowly began to wrap them making sure not to make any sudden movements as if I would break if he did. He frowned when he saw the fresh cuts on my arms, but decided to not pry into it since it was none of his business. I looked around to see people cheering, while others looked in awe since we were acting so casually with eachother even though in a couple minutes we'll be fighting that will end with one of us bleeding or possibly dead. As my eyes moved around the area, my arm began to tingle as it felt small lips gently press down on my bruised knuckles, I looked back to see him smirking.

"На удачу(for good luck)," he lifted his head, showing me his cheek. I laughed and shook my head as I placed my hand on his head and used it as support to stand up,"бей меня, и я подумаю об этом (Beat me and I will think about it)", he rubbed his head and stood up to his feet. 

He approached me slowly and whispered seductively into my ear,"будь готов (be ready)", he went back to his side and stretched. I adjusted my mask and secured my ponytail, then stretched before the match began.

*play song*

We approached the middle of the ring and shook hands then shifted to our fighting positions as the bell rang. We walked around in a circle, keeping our eyes on each other then he striked. I was able to dodge his attack and quickly bent down to punch him in the gut. As he groaned and covered his stomach, I grabbed his head and brought my knee up. Diablo fell back, but the ropes helped him stay up. He fell down but it was a fake move as he slid his leg across the floor causing me to fall on my back. He straddled me and began throwing punches but I was able to protect my face with my arms. I lifted my hips up and in a swift movement I was on top of him but instead of throwing punches I quickly rose to my feet. Diablo did the same and without wasting time he brought his leg up once more kicking me right in the stomach. My body almost fell back but I made sure to stay up using my dominant leg as support, cheers roared inside the small establishment as everyone went crazy and bets were being thrown around.

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