Chapter 16

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Here's an early update lovelies! My favorite website where I read *cough cough* something is currently down so I decided to use my free time to keep on writing. Added a little hint right next to the video of what's in this chapter 😉. Enjoy!!


Alessia's POV

"Alright class, I am excited to tell you that we have a group project coming up!" My english teacher spoke excitedly as he did jazz hands, instead of getting the same energy all that was heard around the room were groans. He slowly brought his hands down and frowned before turning around and muttering to himself," Wow.. Rough crowd".

He grabbed the stacks of paper from his desk and began distributing them all around the room," I want you to volunteer in different organizations, I don't care where or what you do.. As long as it's legal and if it's not, make sure it doesn't trace back to me. Anyways, volunteer and write a two page paper on the history of the organization and what you learned". When I got the paper, I saw that it was a list of organizations and different centers for us to volunteer.

Hmm, Dahlia Youth Center?

"Okay, since this is a small class you can make up your own groups. I don't care how many, so get up and meet up with your groups. I will leave this period for you to decide and research the place. Okay... go, be free". He shooed us before turning around once more and sitting down on his chair then opening up a book.

"Let's be a group", I looked back to see Teo smiling brightly with his brother nodding in agreement. I looked over to Alek, who smiled at me then at the triplets," Sure". I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded, "let's check this place out". All the boys looked at the place my finger was pointing," Dahlia Youth Center? Why that place?" Greg picked up his phone and began typing the name.

"It looks like they are a youth center that works closely with the foster system", we all looked over to Santi's phone as he scrolled through their website and other pages that talked about them.

"They also serve as a shelter for runaways and help place kids who are currently in abusive homes with families that will care for them properly", Greg added.

"Let's go check it out after school, I'll text my driver so he could take us", Alek began typing on his phone while Teo called his men to pick up their car and my bike. After class, we went on our daily schedule and finalized the plans during lunch.


"Okay let's go!", Alek gently grabbed my hand as we walked towards his limo. The triplets got in first, then Alek helped me inside,"Park the car a block away, we'll walk the rest there".

"Yes little boss", he climbed in and sat in between me and Greg.

"Little boss?" Greg raised his eyebrow as he smirked.

"My dad is still the capo for the Russian mafia, so since I technically don't have the title yet.."

" so he calls you little boss, cute." I gave him a small smile as the triplets snickered.

"Yeah, cute", Alek shoved Greg away from him as everyone in the limo laughed.

The ride to the center was twenty minutes away from school but with traffic, it came close to almost an hour. Once we climbed out of the vehicle, we all stretched to the point that our limbs were shaking. After letting out a sigh, we all walked towards the building, before we entered there were small kids running around the grass playing catch with each other but there was one child that caught my eye. Instead of playing with the other kids, he was tucked away behind a tree reading a book. It seemed like he was purposely trying to make himself small so that no one could see him, I had this feeling as if I was being pulled towards him.

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