Chapter 46

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She began disappearing from my arms, but instead of becoming dust, she became butterflies. My heart felt a sting as I remembered how butterflies were her favorite, her eyes never left mine, and her smile remained the same but in a second it changed. It didn't seem forced, it was finally genuine, she closed her eyes and disappeared within the butterflies. They floated around me, caressing every part of my body as if giving me comfort one last time and with that, a scene full of light and color...became dark.


For Alek, it was a beautiful scene, it was a beautiful last moment with Alessia but what he didn't know was that it was all a display for him. On the other side, Alessia stood up and turned to look into the distance, with a deadpan stare. Her hand reached up to her neck, where there were scratches deep enough to cause someone to die from blood loss. She continued to scream her lungs out, hoping someone could hear her, even take pity and allow her to go back but no one showed up. 

"Please let me go back", she cried, as the frustration boiling up inside her was too much to bear. even if she could go back, deep down she knows it is far too late because her body has been blessed and her soul is now completely separate from her body. She fell to her knees as she continued to wound her neck, the only upside is that she no longer feels pain. The heavy weight that she carried all her life, was finally gone and for once she felt light. Her hands were now red but she paid no mind to them as they moved on their own against her neck, it wasn't until she felt two hands that led her to stop.

She looked up, only to be met with green eyes, her breath hitched as they smiled at her. 

"m-mikey?" her once pounding heart became steady and calm as he caressed her cheek.

"your work here is done", his voice was soft, something Alessia wasn't used to. 

"no... I still have-", he placed his thumb on her lips, preventing any words to spill out. 

"it's time to rest", two more figures appeared behind him, the woman looking exactly like her and the man had some characteristics but no one would doubt their relation. They all knelt down in front of her, placing a hand on her shoulders. Mikey slowly moved his hand from her cheek and placed it gently above her heart, her gaze became unfocused and her pupils turned white as the beautiful scenery began to disappear and an image of bee as a baby appeared in front of her eyes. 

"it is time to remember, and let go... we'll be right here lessie. You are no longer alone". 

She smiled as warm memories filled her head, she cocked her head to the side as tears began to fall. Once every memory was replayed, there was one impression that stayed longer, it was of a five year old bee. Who was running in a flowery field, as she laughed to her heart's content. Her hair was as waves of pure earth, softly reflecting the light of the sun; each strand moving freely in an ocean born breeze, a compliment to her stillness. With eyes of river waters, in glossy serenity, her aura seeped into the summer air between them. And in that moment, in that fraction of time, her smile was in every God given feature, she knew it was time. Alessia laughed as the child began running towards her and with open arms she embraced her. 

She closed her eyes and with a deep breath, her soul finally passed on... in peace. 


"Bee?" Greg looked at his little sister as she stared out the window, her once bright blue eyes had turned dull and gray. She never responded, instead her gaze remained looking out as the whole world passed them by. The brothers glanced between each other, worry filled their hearts as they realized that they no longer had the support system they needed to raise her. They no longer had that one person that can immediately bring her comfort, their eyes fell on the empty seat beside their sister, it felt wrong not having Alessia there. It was unfair. Once they arrived home, everyone slowly got out of the car except bee. She stayed sitting because the one who would always get down before her was not there anymore.

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