Chapter 15

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Hello Lovelies!! Here is Chapter 15! I apologize if it is a bit boring, I swear that it will get to the good part soon. So now please enjoy and listen to the song at any point during the chapter. Love you 💜


Alessia's POV

I followed Alek as we headed towards the cafeteria, I grabbed what they were offering which was a slice of pizza, apple juice, and some strawberries. We sat down at our usual table, and waited for the others to join us, so while I waited I began eating the strawberries.

"Want mine?", I looked up to meet Alek's gentle grey eyes.

"Sure... thanks!", he gently placed the strawberries on my tray and smiled. The triplets and Angel joined us a second later, they began talking about the plan as I continued to eat the strawberries. I looked over to Gregorio's tray and waited until he looked away to steal his.

"Hey? Where are my strawberries?" he looked around, and lifted his tray hoping they magically appeared at the bottom, he sighed and got up to grab some more. Once again I waited for him to get distracted before stealing them again, he was busy talking to Matteo that when he looked down once more they were gone.

"Yo what the hell! Who's stealing my fucking strawberries?" He looked over at Matteo who was enjoying his strawberries while reading a book, Gregorio reached over and grabbed some from his plate causing his twin to look up. "Hey! Those are mine!" Matteo tried taking it back from him but Gregorio shoved the strawberries in his mouth without hesitating, Matteo glared at him before grabbing his applesauce and throwing it at him. Unfortunately he moved aside so the opened applesauce hit Santino, who was minding his own business chewing his pizza, the impact startled him causing a bit of unchewed pizza to slide down his throat which resulted in a coughing fit. Once he was good, he turned and glared at Matteo before grabbing the remaining piece of his pizza and throwing it at him but instead it hit a girl who was sitting next to Matteo, everything stilled before someone in the cafeteria yelled "FOOD FIGHT!"

Within seconds the calm room turned into a chaotic battlefield, all the kids got up and began throwing food in every direction, the place was filled with laughs and the occasional small screams from girls as they ran covering their heads. Alek was beside me throwing food towards the triplets using his body to cover me while I remained seated enjoying the strawberries and the view until I felt something heavy at the top of my head. I swallowed the strawberry before placing my hand on my head and flinched at the cold sensation, lowering my hand to look at it, I realized it was mash potatoes. Where the fuck did they get mashed potatoes? Looking up, I saw Gregorio smirking.

This bitch..

I smirked before grabbing my tray and swinging it in his direction causing the food to fly right in his face, he wiped it off before grabbing a random girl's tray and swung it towards me. I moved to the side as the food flew my way, luckily it missed me but it hit Alek in the back of his head. "God damn it Greg!" He sounded mad but within a second his glare turned into a mischievous smile. "Come at me bitch", they both laughed then each of them grabbed a fistful of food before running towards each other, I stood there with my arms crossed waiting for the scene to unfold when my eyes widened once I saw them swing their arms in my direction, the food hitting me straight in the face.

 I stumbled back before wiping it off and glaring at them, I grabbed a chunk of food off of Angel's hand before swinging it towards them. Gregorio tried to move but slipped and fell hard on the floor, I laughed before grabbing some more ammo from Santino's hand and hitting Alek on the face.

We all laughed and threw food until the sound of a whistle caused everyone in the cafeteria to stop and freeze," WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" The principal stood by the door, his face red from the anger, it was almost possible to see smoke coming out of his ears. "WHO STARTED THIS!" his voice boomed all over the cafeteria, then the sound of people shifting towards us, they all pointed their fingers in our direction. The principal looked at us and in a harsh tone,"Detention". As punishment, everyone had to attend class covered in food but our group was forced to clean up the cafeteria.

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