Chapter 34

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Alessia's POV

"Are you  okay?"

"Hmm?" I looked up to a concerned Mikey,"yeah I'm good".

"We can turn the car around any time", he suggested.

"I'm fi-"

"That's it, turn the fuckng car around!" He banged on the window, startling the driver.

"Mike shut the fuck up!" Alessandro groaned as he waved off to the driver, the car continued on it's path as silence fell upon us. I sighed but the second it escaped me I regretted it because Mikey became even more anxious," are you okay?"

"Jesus Mikey! I'm fine, relax okay?"

He slowly nodded, shifting uncomfortably in his seat,I turned to look at Alessandro,"what's the plan?"

He cleared his throat," our business is not moral in anyway but one thing i am against is human trafficking. The man we're about to meet has been using our name to not only smuggle drugs through but children and women. so do what you did last time, slit his fucking throat but do it slowly so that he can feel the blade cut into his skin and he chokes on his blood", he used two fingers to slightly rub his chin.

"Alessia", Alessandro looked up at me. 

"I'm fine", once the car stopped I immediately got off and waited for everyone to exit the vehicle, just like last time I grabbed Alessandro's arm and walked by his side into the club.

"Let me know if you don't feel comfortable", he whispered.

"Oh Al, everything will be fine", I giggled as my fake persona took place. He looked at me concerned but eventually that look washed away and was replaced with his cold stare, we walked through the crowd with the boys behind us and Mikey going a different direction. Once we arrived at the VIP section, a worker took us towards the back where the private rooms were.

When we entered the room, a man was already waiting there. The boys sat around the room while Alessandro and I sat on the couch across from the man. Throughout the whole process of walking across the room, and getting comfortable, he never acknowledged or stood up for Alessandro. I glanced over and saw he was displeased by the whole situation but he quickly covered it with his usual cold stare.

"Capo", was all the man said.

"Sam". Alessandro never broke eye contact, the whole room becoming unsettling and the air so thick that it was difficult to breathe.

"Why did you call for me?"

"How is the business?"

"Great, i've been keeping people in check", he said with a prideful tone.

"Have you been doing any shipments?"

"No sir, since you don't want to be associated with that kind of business", he looked around but stopped to look at me from head to toe before looking back to alessandro.

"Hmm", was all he replied, he glanced over at me and tilted his head towards the man's direction. I got up and slowly walked over to him, making sure my hips sensually moved side to side," since you're doing a good should I reward you?"

"Well i-", he stopped mid sentence when I sat on his lap, and began playing with his collar," i-um".

He looked up at me,"how old are you sweetheart".

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