Chapter 44

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He pulled up a chair and sat in front of me, looking at my beat-up face," this is not your fault you know".

I scoffed in disbelief," this is your mother's fault".

"What? Did you finally go insane?" he stood up and smacked me with the gun," you could've had everything if your mother had left with me. I could've been the best father for you but SHE CHOSE HIM! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN MY DAUGHTER!" he screamed as he waved the gun around in my face.

"Yet... you still raped and abused me for years". I looked up at him, meeting his eyes, allowing all the hatred I have for him to seep through with my glare.

"Since I couldn't hurt her", he placed the tip of the gun on my cheek," at least I could satisfy my revenge with you. Every time I looked at you... I saw him and your mother. You, the product of their love, and it was too tempting. Even after I killed them, their love was strong, it was unbreakable. So... I just had to break you." he laughed sadistically. "She was so beautiful, when I first saw her I just had to have her but since I couldn't, I should at least be thankful that you came out just like her. So beautiful and perfect", he licked his lips. "Everything was perfect, I had everything and I made sure that anyone related to that bitch was dead but a little rat escaped my radar".


"Of course, I knew about him", Seth continued, ignoring my question," but when I looked into him the records stated he was dead but you should have seen my surprise when I saw you with him". He bent down to look into my eyes.

" What the fuck are you talking about", my brain couldn't process anything, most likely it had some damage from the beatings.

"Your uncle", he smiled at me.

"I don't have an uncle", I said slowly as if I was talking with an idiot.

"Well you don't anymore because I finished something I should have done years ago", he got up and walked towards the small table. I sat there in a daze when I felt bee's hand squeeze mine as if reassuring me and that's when it hit me. I gasped and the memories of Mikey began flowing in, causing tears to build up in my eyes.

'Mikey was blood... he was my uncle!'

there was a small feeling of happiness during this dark time, there was actually someone in this world that had my blood, for so many years I felt alone... abandoned. I wish I could have seen more-

" Since I have both of you here, I should also get a taste of the innocent honey from your little bee. Right?" he hummed in question as he titled his head. I could feel her body tremble even more as he walked towards her, he bent down to untie bee as she started to scream.

"NO!" I struggled to free myself as bee's screams filled my ears, my heartbeat began to increase as my hands continued to stay bound behind my back.

"Ali!" she screamed as Seth picked her up and started walking toward the stairs.

"STOP SETH PLEASE!" He ignored me, and I could feel my blood rush to my ears as the sound around me became muffled.


"I'LL  GO WITH YOU!" he stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder with a smirk," you want your revenge? I'll leave with you, and you can do whatever you want with me but please!". My voice cracked as I pleaded with him," let her go". He walked back to me and smiled before leaning down and placing his lips near my ear and with a whisper that sent chills down my spine he said," No".

Without sparing a single thought, I smashed my head against his, sending pain through his body that resulted in his grip on bee to loosen allowing her to fall to the floor. Bee quickly untied me while Seth groaned on the floor, I picked her up and turned around to run but he grabbed my ankle forcing my body to slip and fall. My arms instinctively protected bee, making sure none of the weight fell on her. I lifted my free leg and kicked him in the face but he managed to pull me back, bee screamed, her body trembling in fear. I kicked him once more but he managed to block it, "the only way you leave this place is in a bag, DO YOU HEAR ME!" He screamed with all his might and for the first time, I felt actual fear. His face was no longer human, for a split second, it seemed to have morphed into something inhumane. Something truly evil. 

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