Chapter 3

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"Dad, it's been a week. A FUCKING WEEK! She hasn't left her room and is literally terrified at the sight of us. Her fucking family!" my third oldest was frustrated and I shared that same frustration with him but we can't push her too much.

"Greg, I know you're frustrated but we can't push her. We don't know what she's been through, the police officers who picked her up are nowhere to be found so I can't interrogate them. You need to be patient!"

He let out a sigh which led my oldest son to comfort him, he's literally all their mother figure and I had hoped that Beatrice would feel his warm aura but she was still afraid.

What to do....what to do

"We can hire someone", I looked up to see my youngest son looking at me.

"What do you mean hire someone?"

"She seems to be missing someone, well to be specific, a female figure. Maybe she was her sister or acted like it and without her Beatrice feels alone. Hire someone to replace her, then that person will slowly teach her that we mean no harm and will love her."

That doesn't seem like a bad idea, but who can take that role?

"We have many enemies, do you really want to expose her to potential dangers just so that person can convince our own blood that we mean no harm."

He rubbed his chin and I swear I saw his eyes shine," Ask Mac! He's always out and about, I'm sure he has some loyal people around him".

I smiled at him,"that's why you're the brains". He looked at me confused while all his brothers laughed. We enjoyed our dinner together, occasionally glancing at the empty seat that was reserved for our Bella, after dinner I called Mac to come to New York as soon as possible.

Hopefully it works...


"You called?"

I looked up to see Mac in front of my desk, how is he so quiet. It's creepy sometimes.

He must have hopped on a plane, the second I sent him that text two hours ago. "Yes, I have a job for you. I need you to find me a bodyguard, preferably female".Mac tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me with a confused face. "Why do you need a female bodyguard when you literally have over one hundred men?"

"Just find me a trustworthy girl! I need someone experienced and is able to protect my boys, but she has to be sweet and look non threatening. Can you do that?!"

Mac nodded and excused himself, I did feel bad for taking my anger out on him but I can't tell him I found my daughter yet. Knowing him, he would probably want to shower her with love but I am afraid she might accept him before she accepts me. If that would happen, I would not hesitate to kill him right then and there. I let out a sigh and decided to turn in for the night. I checked Beatrice's room but she wasn't in her bed so she's most likely inside the dresser. "Goodnight mi amore".

Alessia's POV

*Punch*Punch *Pun-*


Michael: Meet me in 10, I have something for you.

I go into the locker room and change out of my workout clothes then step into the shower. After cleaning off the sweat, I change into my extra pair of clothes and go meet Michael in our usual spot.

"What's up, is this about my kid?"

"Not exactly, I have a job for you".

I rolled my eyes,"I told you no jobs until I find her. No matter how much you need me, you can easily find someone else".

Hold OnTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon