"Platonic love from different timeline"

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I've been watching some Tale from the SMP and I have been loving Ran and Jackie from 'the pit' episode that I had to make something with them!

Also since I've been doing a lot of angst recently I'm giving you solidarity.

I hope you like it!

Jackie's POV

I was waiting in the cellar waiting for my fight against Genevieve but before that started Ran came up to me.

"Hi." He said his boots crunching against the dirt floor. I had no idea who this man was but...he seems amazing. 

For some reason?

"Hello! Ran correct?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets.

"Yes...um I wanted to ask I heard you say you think my eyes look nice um is that true?" He asked turning his head away out of embarrassment.

"Of course! You eyes are a gorgeous green!" I said and it's true he's eyes reminded me of ender pearls. Or eyes of ender...

Ran face blushed profusely even if it was hard to see. I chuckled he sat down nest to me.

"Well you're voice is very nice to listen to..." He said I was so flattered it was nice.

I smiled and 'accidentally' put my head on his shoulder and my arms around his waist. I felt a chin get plopped on my head and I smiled.

"So why do you want become general?" Ran asked I answered as truthfully as I can.

"So I could stab people without repercussion." I responded...


"Yeah...but I wouldn't stab you though...I don't want to stab you."

"That's nice to hear..."

"So what about you?" Asked looking up at him to see his eyes. 

I really like this guy.

"Oh you know...thing's happen but I guess because it seemed fun..."

"Well I hope you get what you want."

"Right back at you!"

We stay in silence for a while my head in his lap and he's playing with my hair. I don't know why but I would trust this man with my life.


"Oh I guess that's my cue." I say standing up I wave goodbye to them but before I leave they kiss my cheek.

"Good luck."

Then they walk away in shock I run up to the water elevator my hand still on my cheek.

A couple hours later...

Well I won that fight then the Three fight happened and Ran didn't win but Grevious???, Ugly????, or John???

Won so I went against him and won

I'm general and then I stabbed everyone except Ran and Watson. The emperor made me kill the camera man then I had to do some general stuff but at the end of the day I saw Ran again.

"Hi Jackie you won!" Ran said hugging me I hugged back smiling.


"So...your fire resistant huh?" He asked and I shrugged and yawned.

"Yeah I don't really now." I said they gave me a gentle look.

"You tried? I can go so you can go home." They said and I shook my head.

"No, no, no actually do you want to come over I could have a...partner."

"Yeah sure..."

So we walked over to my house me laying down my back up against Ran's chest and his arms around my waist.

How this happen so fast?

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