"I'm sick" 😪🤧

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A/N I love sick fic's so this I what I'm doing with my life 😐 enjoy! (Also no not COVID)

Tubbo's POV

I started to open my yellow and blue eyes sitting up I saw Ranboo still sitting right next to me. I kissed them on the forehead but relished there forehead is really hot.

I put my hand on their head and it was burning up I gave them a sad look.

"Aww boo." I said pretty much to myself then I saw them open there eyes. They gave me their usually sappy look they give me every morning but then a few seconds later there face because screwed up. 

They gowned putting there head on my leg since I was sitting up.

"Yeah I know boo you're sick now I'll be back in a moment to cuddle you after I get you some medicine's and some soup also boo try not to teleport somewhere." I said smiling at them they smiled back.

I got up and started walking over to the kitchen I was used to this by now it was the endermen sick season.

So this was quite often...

I went to grab some medicine from the cupboard and started making some soup. It was quite quiet which is not normal for this house but Michael was being babysat by Phi1za and Techno.

Me and Ranboo needed some alone time which is really hard to get with a baby zombie piglin. I fished the soup so I went back upstairs.

Luckily enough Ranboo hadn't teleported somewhere while I was gone. That one the side effects of them being sick.

I went back put the soup on the bed side table and gave them the medicine. They gave a bad face because of how bad the medicine tasted.

Then I gave them there soup and I sat right to them hugging there waist. We just layer their cuddling for awhile.

"You know you're gonna sick one day because you keep being around me."

"No I'm not I can't get sick!"

"Bee yes you can"


They sighed "whatever..."

Platonic Tubbo and Ranboo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now