"Who is her?"

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@KKarate requested this thanks for the Suggestion. 

Tubbo's POV

"Tubbo wake up." Hear a soft voice say I open my eyes and see Ranboo starring at me wide eyed.  Their blood red and emerald green eyes staring at me.

"What do you want this time?" I asked they are eager child sometimes...

"Who is her?" 


"I said who is her Phi1za started talking about a person named her." They said and when they said that my mind just stopped.

"Oh,oh Boo that's not a name." I said they gave a weird look "that's something called pronouns it's something that people use in replacement of someone's name." I said smiling back at them...

"So...she is a pronouns for?" They asked and then I released I have a lot of explaining to do...

A/N sorry that it's short I just didn't have any ideas for this one 🤷‍♀️

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