"Happy Birthday boo"

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Tubbo's POV 

Today was Ranboo's birthday. Of course, I have to celebrate it! So I got everything ready from the decorations to the people.

I just really hope Ranboo enjoys it. They mean the world to me and I want them to have a very Happy Birthday!

So I started decorating and frosted the cake. People started coming in like for example.

Tommy, Phi1za, Techno, Eryn, and more.

Everyone was there I had Michael in my arms when I heard the door. I jumped to the door and opened it swiftly. There I saw my beloved and we all yelled.


"Oh my what an amazing surprise." They said in a joyful manner hugging me and Michael.

We had a great time we talked had fun with our cake, opened presents, and just had a great time.

Afterward, after putting Michael down to go to sleep I and Ranboo went to our room. Ranboo laid on their back and I was holding onto their waist.

"Today was amazing!" Ran whispered being half asleep. I nodded back at them.

"I'm glad!" 

Then was both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

(I was late on this one so Sorry Ranboo happy late Birthday!)

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