"A conversation"

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Tubbo's POV

We where gonna do it... we were going to tell Technoblade about us.

About everything the marriage and the sneaking out and most importantly Michael. The unexpecting baby zombie piglin.

Ranboo and I where walking in the snow to Techno's it being his birthday we thought now would be the best time to spill the news. Since he would be at his happiest at this time...

We reached the door Ranboo knocking on it. A piglin hybrid with long pink hair and red ruby eyes answered it...

"Hello Ranboo and....Tubbo?" He said sounding more like a question than a statement at the end.

"Hi Techno!" Ranboo said chiming in "can we come in?" They asked...


We walked into the shack siting down on Techno's couch...

"Ok Technoblade we want to tell you something but you gotta here us out." I say getting more anxious my the minute. Then I released Ranboo even more anxious so I grabbed onto there hand for comfort.

Techno nods at what I said..."ok so me and Ranboo have gotten platonically married."

I say I could of sworn Techno's jaw fell on the floor...

"You're what?"

"Where platonically married and it's ok if you don't consider me a friend anymore." Ranboo says popping in I started to see tears in there eyes so I wiped them clean.

"Well no Ranboo I'm fine with this you have help me and have proven to me that you are a great person." Techno says I feel Ranboo claim down a little now all left is Michael...

"Also one more thing...I adopted a son with Tubbo his name is Michael and he is a baby zombie  piglin." Ranboo speaking up again...and Techno smiles I don't think I've ever seen him smile.

Techno get up and he hugs Ranboo and Ranboo well they break down tears falling down there face burning there skin. Knowing that's bad for them I try my best to help.

Ranboo clams down and we patched them up.

"Thank you for being ok with this." Ranboo says there head laying in my lap me playing with there hair.

"No problem..."

Platonic Tubbo and Ranboo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now