"Lava bath"

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Ranboo POV

"Hey Ranboo" Tubbo called over to me. I turned my black and white head my emerald green eye  and blood red one look over to Tubbo.

"Yeah?" I ask...

"How do you take baths like you said you can't touch water but you don't smell so how?" He asks that question caught me of guard. I laugh at it slightly though.

"Well let me just show you" I say grabbing onto Tubbo's wrist and dragging him along.

We go through the snowy escape going across the small ocean separating Snowchester and the greater Dream smp. We walk to the community nether portal.

He gives me a weird look I just smile and drag him along.

We enter the portal the familiar sensation of being sucked into the portal comes back.

Then where in the nether I walk over to a lava pond and trough of all my armor.

"Um Ranboo what you doing" he asked me?

"Well you wanted to know how I take baths this is how." I say gesturing to the current heat source.

"Wait but won't that burn you especially with no armor" he says.

" I grew up in the nether remember because I sure don't" I say laughing.

I look over the lava pit taking of my jacket and shirt only to be left with my swimmers. I was planning on taking a bath today so I was prepared.

I jump and into the lava and rise from the hot substance.

"Michael could probably do this himself but he can touch water so" I say looking up at Tubbo.

He laughs he tells me he better get going because Michael can't be left home alone long and I wave him goodbye.

I finish my bath and put my shirt and jacket back on. I go back to snowchester feeling the cold temperature makes me cool down.

Maybe I'll give Michael a lava bath on day...

There nice...

A short one I know but I liked the idea...

Platonic Tubbo and Ranboo OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora