"Sleepy cuddles"

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Tubbo POV

Today was a tiring day Ranboo had been gone. He said it was to "get super rich" whatever that means. So I have been alone all day with Michael...

Yes I love that little zombie piglin so much but some day he's. A pain in the ass.

So ok let's give a overview of what happened today.

First I open the trap door and he went down so I had to get him all the way back up. Then refused to eat. I put him down for his nap and a few seconds later he woke up with a sugar rush. Had to put him back to sleep and sing him a lullaby. Then I finally got some me time and then me and Jack Maniflod saw one of the nukes went missing. Also according to Jack Ranboo was a prime suspect. My husband...

I went back to Michael him being wide awake I had to take care of him. Then it turns night time and he refused to sleep again.

So I read him a story and sang him a song I made up on the spot...

He finally passed out so I went downstairs to mine and Ranboo's bedroom and tried my best to sleep.

But I felt something holding me back. I relished that I have not slept without Ranboo by my side in over 4 months it just wasn't the same.

So I waited for him to return...

Ranboo POV

I walked down the snowy biome know as snowchester. Today I got a chest full of emeralds and I was exhausted.

From having to cut down trees and sell stuff to villagers it was exhausting.

So I couldn't wait to come home to my husband and son but mostly to my bed. I got to see Phil and Techno they still don't know about Tubbo and me. That's a problem for another day though.

I see in the distance are little quaint cottage. I sluggish walked over there I opened the front door. I first went to go check on Michael I open the trapdoor and saw Michael fast asleep. I smiled slightly and left him be.

I went  over to me and Tubbo's room...

Cracking the door open slightly I see that Tuboo was sitting up in bed with his phone.

I open the door fully now and Tubbo turns his head a smiles.

"Hey there Ranboo your back" he says rushing over to me and hugging me. Since the height difference though he was technically hugging my waist.

"You seem tired why did you not sleep I thought you were get a better sleep seclude" I say playing with Tubbo's hair.

"I was going to but I guess I couldn't sleep without you" he says his head moving up from my chest.

"Well then why don't we cuddle and watch some of the office and sleep" I say raising an eyebrow (a/n I don't know why but I feel like Ranboo is a person who can raise one eyebrow)

"Sure" he say dragging me to the queen size bed. It had a purple and light green sheets and the head board was a white.

He laid down and I did the same I grabbed the remote on the night stand and went to the office. Hitting play I felt someone move my arm.

Third POV

Tuboo moved Ranboo's arm so it went over his shoulder and he snuggled into Ranboo's neck. Ranboo moved his legs so they entangled there legs.

Not a few minutes later they both fell asleep in each othere's arms.

The end...

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