"Surprise my Love!"

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Tubbo POV

It was my birthday one of the worst birthdays of my life. Even I was turning officially turning into a young adult.

I didn't have the two people that meant the most to me to celebrate it with...

One was dead and the other was missing. What am I supposed to do.
So I spent most of my birthday huddled up in my room. Techno visited since being are new alliance.

Tommy didn't even visit me...I can't blame him though. He's most likely running from Dream since he recently escaped prison.

Until around 9:00 pm until I actually left my room. I saw Tommy and he told me happy birthday and explained why he was not there.
We hanged out a little before he left but before he did he gave me something it said...

"Hello my love it's nice to see you if you want to see me run to the spot we said I love you"

I raised my brow what in the world. I looked at Tommy suspiciously.

"It's a parting gift from Ranboo they were gonna give it to you on your birthday but you know, so I though why not." Tommy said then left before I could say a word.

'This would be nice' so I started I went to the boom room. And saw a note I quite wonder how Tommy knew this.
I put it off as he asked around
I read the next note and it said...

"Hello again how are you if want to find me go to the place I married you"

Why did they have to make it a scavenger hunt. I walked to the prime path right close to the Lamhole but not so close to where you can see it.

There was the arch and everything and on the arch there was the note.

"Second to last your almost done run to the spot where we found are son"

I smiled it might be annoying that I run around the Dream smp. But it was like they where still here.

So I ran to the committee neither portal. I went to the spot and there was a letter and opened it. What it said shocked me to my core.

"Last one you did great now go to the place where I passed away"

How in the world...Did Tommy write this one what a duck move.

So I went to the prison which is where Techno said they died. And there it was a big happy birthday sign to Tubbo and my beloved...

But they looked different they where a ghost...

Tears started falling down my scarred face. I run up to them to prove there real.
They where...

"Hey my beloved it's Ghostboo." They said in a cheerful tone
But it didn't feel right it wasn't them. But I accepted for the time being.

This was one of the best birthday presents I've ever had.

(I hope this is not over stepping brondries with the love also I'm terrible at rhyming sorry)


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