Running from the crowd

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I opened my eyes and sat up. The room was white and clean. Wait! This isn't my room. I sniffed the place and my body froze. "I can smell everyone from the guild" I hear their loud snorings from the other side. I looked outside the window and see it's still very early. By now people are still sleeping. I stood up from the bed and noticed I was wearing a nightgown and my necklace is still with me, thank goodness. I can smell blood on myself. I saw my pink backpack and took my clothes out.

I went to the bathroom with my clothes and took a quick bath. I wore a blue singlet with white lining, gold buttons crossing the front and my back exposed, a white skirt, long brown boots. After tying my hair into a side ponytail, I stepped out of the bathroom and quietly opened the door, I don't wake anyone. I saw everyone was still sleeping. Some slept on the chair and table, some were laying on the floor and some had placed their feet on somebody's face. "How can they be so comfortable?" I thought as I sweat dropped. I slowly left the inn and walked off somewhere. I just felt like taking some fresh air. "Maybe I should go to the park"

After I reached the park, I walked around and saw the place was a mess. This could mean some people must have fought here. I sat at one of the benches and began to think about my battle with black mask. I don't remember what happened after I ate Ignia's flames. And that dream I it's wasn't a dream. Ignia said it was my negative emotions and I defeated them.

"Could this mean I won't be seeing any episodes?" I thought about Ignia. I still can't believe he's Igneel's son with that personality of his and also the fact that he was turned into a dragon lacrima after he died. Judging by his flames I ate and his attitude, Ignia seems to a proud, arrogant and destructive dragon. And from his explanations, he's using me as a host to stay alive, although he didn't believe it was possible. It makes me wonder if those two other dragon slayers, Sting and Rogue's dragon lacrimas are alive as well.

"Wait! Since Ignia's inside of me, maybe I can call out to him!" I said cheerfully. I closed my eyes and focused on his annoying smile and said his name. "Ignia" I called his name for while before giving up. "I don't get it. Why won't it work?" I grumbled. I looked up and see the sun's rising. "Better head back to the guild. Natsu must have woken up by now" I said.

I stood up and left the park. As I was walking down the street, I saw few people walking, some were opening up shops and children running around. I accidentally bumped my shoulder into a man's shoulder. "Oh, sorry" I apologized.

"It's okay. Don't-" the man stops and his eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. I was confused about his expression. The man points at me and backs up a little. Then I noticed people was staring at me. Some were coming out of their houses to see me and before I knew it, the place was crowded. 

"W-What is going on?" I asked myself as I sweat dropped.

A woman walked towards me, squealing in excitement. "Um... are...Lucy Dragneel, right?" She shuddered.

"Yes. That's me" I replied.

The crowd was squealing and cheering in excitement and they surrounded me. "What the hell?!"  I exclaimed. What do they want from me?! Is it because I'm a fairy tail wizard. I hate crowds and that's the main reason I hid my salamander identity.

"Lucy-san!!" The woman yelled.

"AHHH!!" Another woman squealed.

"I want to be like you when I grow up!" A kid shouted.

"I want your autograph!!" A man shouted.

"Me too!! me too!!"

"You're so cool!!"

"Wh...What's go...going on?!" I exclaimed as I hold my hands up in surrender.

"We love you!!!" There men shouted.

The crowd was coming close to me. There was no way out. I'm completely surrounded. "Guess I have to use it" I use my fire dragon flight and jumped and flew through the air. The people were following me. I flew down and ran for my dear life. After losing the massive crowd, I went straight to the inn where fairy tail is. I burst through the door and locked it immediately. I leaned on the door and sighed in relief as I closed my eyes. I open them to see the whole guild staring at me. They looked like they didn't know how to react. After a few minutes of silence, I saw Wendy, Levy-chan and Happy burst through the crowd and hugged me.

"Lucy!!" Happy cried.

"Lucy-san!!" Wendy and Levy-chan cried. "You're okay!!"

I hugged them back. "Yeah, I'm fine"

"We were worried Lucy" Sora said as he stepped out of the crowd along with Cobra.

"We were about to search for you" Cobra said. "Glad you're okay"

"Lucy!" Natsu walked towards me with a glare. We separated from our hug and I stared at him. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and opens them again. "Don't leave here like that again" he said with a neutral face.

I scratched my head and chuckled. "Sorry"

"Lucy" Erza said as she and Gray walked towards us. They looked down and slowly got on their knees. My eyes widened and my mouth was slightly opened. "I'm sorry. For everything"

"It's fine" I stammered as I waved my hands.

"No it's not. I was so arrogant. I judged you by your relationship with your father. I treated you poorly and almost got you killed" Erza started crying. "I'm so ashamed of myself"

"Lucy. I'm terribly sorry for what we did to you. I've recognized my wrong doings. I hope you could forgive me" Gray said.

I was shocked. I was expecting something, but not this. I wanted to say something, but the entire guild got down on their knees and bow their heads down except for  Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Levy-chan, Sora, Cobra, master and first master. "We're very sorry! We were so stupid! Please forgive us!" They yelled in unison.

"It's okay. I forgive you" I said, smiling. I held Erza's shoulders and brought her up.

"You forgive us?" Erza asked with tears on her eyes.

"Yeah. My dad used to say it's common for families and friends to fight or argue and it's a good thing" I tell them and they looked at me confused. "We understand each other's pain and if you didn't care about me, you wouldn't regret or be so worked up. It shows how much we care and all this makes our bond stronger. I forgive you, so don't feel sad anymore"

"Yea. You're a family. No matter the situation, family sticks together" Cobra said which made me smiled.

"Oh. You're a big softie now, Erik" I teased him.

"Shut up! And don't call me that!" He scoffed.

"Wait, your real name is Erik?" Sora asked. Cobra looked away and didn't reply. Erza cleared her throat, gaining our attention.

"You have a kind heart, to forgive us so easily. Thank you Lucy" Erza smiles. They all stood up and cheered. They ran and as they were about to hug me, Natsu stood in front of me and growled at them. They all got scared and moved back.

"Natsu" I said. "I've already forgiven them, there's no need for this" he turns around and stares at me. "W-What?"

"So you're the one I've been looking for" he said.


Master and first master Mavis came to me. "So you're him" Mavis giggles.

"Him?" I asked. I noticed some was smiling and some were staring at me in surprise. "What are you guys talking about?"

"The guild knows..." Cana said. "No. The whole of Fiore knows you're the mighty fire dragon slayer....salamander!" She yelled out the last part.


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