Mystogan, Bad Song

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"We're home!" Happy said cheerfully. We all walked in the guild waving at everyone. Natsu didn't come with us. Mira-san came towards Erza and asked for a fight. Before I look at them, the fight between them has started. I sat at the bar and asked lisanna for a very hot tea.

"Do those two do that often?" I asked.

"Yeah, on a daily basis" Gray answered as he walked up, and leaned on the bar next to me," Those two have been like that since we were all kids"

"Wow, that's long time" i said. It was then that i noticed that Gray wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Uh Gray..." Lisanna began," Your shirt..."

Gray looked down."Oh, my bad!" he said, as he ran to go find his shirt.

"So, how was the job?" Lisanna asked.

"It was good" I answered as I drank my tea. "Since I can't eat flames in front of them, at least I can eat hot foods" I thought.

"Even better" Erza said, after she threw Mira onto the other side of the guild. "Salamander came to help us on our mission" everyone turned their attention to us. Erza began telling them our mission from the start.

"Chaos gave you a piggyback ride, Lucy?" Macao asked as he sat besides me with Romeo.

"Yes" I answered.

"You have motion sickness too?" wendy asked and I nodded.

"Did you see salamander's face?" juvia asked curiously.

"No we didn't. He disappeared after we defeated the monster" Gray answered.

"Hey guys" levy-chan said. "What if salamander is a woman?"

"It doesn't feel right" elfman said. "Salamander is a nickname for men"

"If it's a woman, I wouldn't mind asking her out" Macao said as he nosebleeds. I got angry at his statement and poured my tea on his area.

"Arghhhhh, what did you do that for?" He asked in pain as he was fanning himself.

"Oops, my mistake" I replied with a smirk and he ran weirdly to the bathroom. The whole guild including master was laughing. Suddenly, I felt sleepy. I looked around and I saw everyone's asleep except for master who just sat quietly. My eyes was very heavy but I didn't give up. I saw a man wearing a black cloak with his face covered. He walked to the request board and took a flier.

"Master, I'm going on a job" he spoke to master.

"Remove the sleep spell first" master said.

He then noticed me being awake. He was surprised at first, then starting walking towards the door. After he left the guild, the sleep in my eyes was gone and everyone was waking up.

"Who was that creepy guy?" I asked.

"You were awake and you saw him?" Cana asked in shock.

"Yes, we were both surprised" master answered for me.

"That was Mystogan" Mira-san answered. She gave a loud yawn. "He doesn't want anyone to see him so he puts the entire guild to sleep when comes back from a job and wants to take a new one"

"So no one's seen his face?" I curiously inquired,

"No one besides Master"

"That's not true" I looked up to see a man with spiky blond hair and dark eyes. He was buff and had a lightening shaped scar over his right eye. He donned a purple button up shirt with a collar, black jeans and a black coat with grey fur lining. He had a cocky smirk as he looked down on us from the second floor. He must be a S-class mage. "Chaos, little wendy and I have seen him too" he added.

"When did you get back, Laxus?" Mira-san asked.

I noticed Natsu was seating in his usual seat. "When did you get here natsu?"

He turned towards me with a raised eyebrow. I just continued to gaze at him waiting for an answer. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "I was here before Mystogan came"

"Did you fall asleep too?" He raised a brow at me. "You've seen his face right? So what's the point of trying to make you fall asleep?" I asked.

He gave an irritated sigh. "No, now leave me be woman"

I frowned. "No to which question?"

He sent me a halfhearted glare. "I didn't fall asleep"

I smiled, it was then that I noticed that the guild was silent. I glanced around and found everyone including Laxus and master staring at me. "What?"I asked aloud to no one in particular.

"She asked you a question, so answer" natsu gave them a death glare making everyone trembling.

"Natsu, don't be harsh" I said. His eyes widened then look away.

After a while, people started taking again. I was sitting alone drawing on my sketch pad. I love drawing. I usually draw to pass time. Later, some people started singing on the stage and even making jokes. Mira-san also sang and it was beautiful.

Everyone cheered. "Whoo, that's the spirit" wakaba cheered.

"Who's next?" Macao asked. The curtains opened and I saw gajeel wearing a white suit and a white hat, holding a guitar. The whole guild looked shocked as their faces became pale.

"What the" I said as I stood up. "I didn't know gajeel could sing"

"The song I'm about to sing is called yeah, you know it" gajeel said.

People started complaining, "like we are going to listen to your songs again!", "why are you still wearing that suit!"

"Yeahhh" gajeel begins singing and playing his guitar. "Yeah, you know it. yeah, yeah, you know it. Yeah, you know it"

Gajeel song is horrible. I felt like a stone about to break into pieces. Erza, Gray, Wendy and Levy-chan look in horror. Elfman, max, juvia, Macao and wakaba cheered while others threw foods, mugs and plates at him.

I covered my ears. "I've never heard a sorry excuse of a music before. I bit that honey tightly" I said. Gajeel threw his guitar at me, I dodged it.

"Damn you, Lucy" gajeel said.

"Wanna fight?" I retort.

We both clashed. Gajeel and I kept on exchanging fists. Someone threw a mug at me. "WHO THREW THAT MUG AT ME!" I yelled.

"Please stop fighting" Mira-san said. She accidentally pushed Erza and her strawberry cake fell on the floor. "My cake" she said sadly. Elfman came out of nowhere and accidentally step on it. "Hey, real men don't argue. They fight!" He said and Erza kicked him to a wall.

"Shut your trap!" she says angrily.

Everyone started fighting. Happy was throwing food at people. I punched gajeel in the face a few times. Erza and mira-san were exchanging fists again. Wendy and Carla went somewhere to hide.

"ENOUGH!" I looked up to see natsu with a frown. Everyone stiffened. It was so quiet. "He's going to kill us" one said. Natsu came down and walking towards me and gajeel. Gajeel flinched and moved away from me. Natsu was now close to me still a frown on a face.

"She's dead" one said.

"Poor girl" Cana said.

"His first victim" panther lily said.

"Lucy" natsu gave me a glare. I flinched a little. "You stupid little girl. Stop making so much noise". "Sorry" I said quietly. Natsu eyes widened, then he pat my head.

"Let's go a job" he says.

"Which one?" I asked. He didn't answer.

"Happy, let go" he called out to happy. Happy flew to us and they began walking towards the guild doors while everyone was staring at us. Natsu looked back at me and I started following him.

"Chaos didn't beat us up because of her? Evergreen asked.

"I think so" elfman answered. "Normally, he beats us to a pulp anything we fight"

"He's becoming soft thanks to her" I heard master said.

"He's a good person, you all didn't give a him a chance" I thought.

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