Fire that burns everything

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The picture was edited by me.


"I am the fire dragon Ignia, Igneel's true son" he introduced himself. I was surprised at what he just said.

"IGNEEL'S SON?!" I shouted. "You gotta be kidding me! I'm Igneel's daughter!"

"I know he thought of you as his own child" he said as he spread his arms wide. "But I'm the one that carries his blood in my veins. The true son of Igneel, the fire dragon god"

We stared at each other for a while before he broke it. "What's the matter, Sis? Didn't expect this"

I was taken aback and asked. "Sis?"

"This makes us brother and sister in a way" he said.

"Yeah, I guess. Where are we anyways?" I asked as I looked around the burning forest.

"We're in your mind. I'm like your inner dragon, the one who gives you power" he said.

"So, You and I are one?" I asked.

"In a way" he answered.

I tilt my head. "What do you mean?"

He sighed. "You see, I died a long time ago, I was killed by a demon four hundred years ago. As he left me for dead, I was angry that I lost to him" he tighten his fist. "I didn't want to die, I wanted my revenge, and thanks to you, I'll have it"

"Thanks to me? What do you mean by that?" I asked. But he didn't answer. He stood there quiet for a while making me impatient. "ANSWER ME DAMN IT!"

"Alright, enough chit chat. We've got bigger problems. Eat my flames NOW!" He demanded.

I growled at him, then I sighed knowing it's the only way. I slurped up all the flames in one go. I felt my magic energy immediately growing inside me, the power was too much for me, It's making me feel different. Everything was disappearing and becoming black. "Atta girl Lucy. Burn everything until till there's nothing left of this world to burn" was the last thing I hear Ignia said before everything went black.


I growled angrily as I watched black mask laughing out loud over her victory. I wish I could just go there and kill her! Then something happened, Lucy started moving. She slowly got up. Gray, Erza and Happy were happy to see she's alive.

Black mask was shocked. "Impossible" she muttered.

As she stood straight, the hole in her chest was covered in flames as it was healing and closing up. "This is about to get interesting"

"I hate to say it, but.....thanks for the meal" she said as she cleans her mouth. "what?" She roared as crimson red flames surrounded her. Red scales appeared on her arms and face, her chocolate brown eyes turned red, white scales also appeared on her Cloak and popped out and a red dragon tattoo appeared on her right hand. "Dragon force" then the flames began to form into a........huge dragon! The dragon roared angrily at black mask as the demon held her hands up to block the heat and roar.

"I FEEL MY POWER RISING!!! I'M FIRED UP!!!" She shouted as the dragon disappeared and flames reduced. She charged at black mask in full speed and punched her, causing an explosion. Erza, Gray and Happy were shocked at her power.

"Such power" black mask said. She got behind Lucy and tries to attack her, but Lucy kicked her in her stomach, sending her flying. "crystal snake!" The demon summoned a giant snake at Lucy. Lucy ran to the snake as it tried to attack her, she grabbed its tail, jumped high in the air and threw it to the ground, shattering it.

Fairy Tail: Chaos and Fire (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now