Natsu vs Laxus

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Natsu was mad. Lucy-san and other members had been taken to the infirmary, and they won't let him inside because I was healing them. After healing Gray and the others, I started healing Lucy-san. It's surprising that Lucy-san has very few burns on her body after hugging a flaming natsu-san. "This seems suspicious" I mumbled. Juvia-san, Ezra-san and levy-san came inside followed by natsu-san.

"How is she?" Levy-san asked trying to hold back her tears.

"She's fine, but she won't wake up for a while" I answered. "*sigh* remember when Erigor shot a green laser at Lucy instead of me" I said feeling guilty.

"Lucy saved you, don't feel bad about it" Erza-san said to me and I smiled softly.

"That laser was poison magic, I've removed the poison from her system. I guess that what made her fell unconscious" I said. "It's surprising that Lucy-san has few burns"

Erza-san nodded. "Yeah, how is that even possible?" She looked at natsu who was looking down.

"I don't know" he mumbled.

"Hey chaos" I turn and saw Gray-san awake.

"Juvia is so happy to see you awake gray-sama!" Juvia said as she ran and hugged gray-san which made him groan in pain.

"I'm sorry" gray-san said while looking at Lucy.

"What" natsu-san growled.

"I said i'm sorry, I shouldn't have complained to the master. I was just trying to protect her" gray-san ground out. "You've beaten up everyone in the guild and I know that sooner or later, you are gonna hurt Lucy too" he looked at us with hardened eyes. "Every one of you knows it's true" he says.

Levy-san looks away and nods. Erza-san looks at natsu with a plain expression on her face. Natsu-san glare at gray-san.

"I don't think he'll hurt her" they all look at me with surprise. I Felt a bit uncomfortable but I still look at them. "I'm scared of him, but for a different reason. Natsu-san has never hurt me. I'm just scared that one day he will or he will stop talking to me. He cares about Lucy, so if he hasn't hurt me, then I doubt that he will hurt her"

The whole room went silent for a while. Natsu-san went to Gray-san and held his throat.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia yelled.

"The next time you try something like this again will be your last" natsu-san let go of his neck, then went back to me. "Can I take her home later?" He asked. I looked at him for a while and nodded. He then walked out of the room.

"Gray!" Erza-san glared at gray-san. "Why didn't you talk to me about this? Because of you, our friends are injured"

"I'm sorry okay!" Gray-san said, then he looked down. "Chaos beat up the entire guild and fought with Master until both of them were tired the first day he got to the guild. He hates us and we stayed away from him to keep from getting beaten up. He even broke lisanna's arm when she tried to befriend him. Then one day, a new girl shows up. She's all bright and smiley, and Happy acts like a spoiled kid around her. She talks to chaos like he's just another member of the guild. Suddenly, he became protective and cared for her. It's just not right. It's not natural for chaos to be protective. On top of all that, Lucy says she didn't care if he beats her up. All because she said he must be lonely. It's his fault thought. He shouldn't beat everyone up if he's mad. He shouldn't glare at everyone he looks at. He shouldn't ignore everyone that tries to talk to him" he yells at the last statement. We looked at each other.

"That brings up another thing I've noticed" Gray-san continued, "chaos almost always responds to Lucy. Whether it's a noise, a look, a hand gesture, or actual words, he always gives her a response. Chaos barely ever responds to Master let alone anyone in the guild. Even though he talks to you guys, he still ignores you. Lucy makes chaos do unnatural things"

"I still think his kindness towards her won't last" he grunted.

Time skip

We heard a loud noise, we ran out of the guild and saw natsu-san and laxus fighting each other.

"What is going on?" I asked Carla.

"Laxus was demanding chaos to fight him. When chaos refused, laxus insulted him and it lead to this" Carla said calmly. I look at them fighting. "This is going to end quickly as always"

"You won't beat me this time. I have been-" natsu-san rolled his eyes and then punched laxus with a flaming fist in the gut. He flew back into a wall and put a hand over his stomach, coughing. Natsu-san walked towards him. "Gr, lightning dragon heavenward halberd!" Laxus chanted while he threw a lighting spear. Natsu-san quickly jumped out of the way and then the building behind him cut in half like a knife had sliced it.

"That was dangerous?!" Happy exclaimed.

"That's right, you should really listen when somebody is talking Chaos. After our last fight, I've been training hard and even learn a new magic. If I was trained by the powerful salamander, I will be even be more stronger" laxus said.

"Sound Screech!" he chanted and then a high-pitched scream came from his mouth. My ears instantly felt pain and everyone immediately covered their ears but the damage had been done. When the screeching stopped, all I heard was a ringing. He said something but all I saw was his lips moving with no sound. I shook my head trying to regain my hearing but it wasn't working. Natsu-san covered his ears as well. Laxus roared lightning out of his mouth and  knocked natsu-san back. Before he fell onto the ground, he did a back hand spring flip and then landed in a crouch. Instantly, natsu-san leapt at him while his flame surrounded his fist. "Chaos Dragon Fist!" He chanted and punched laxus's face. He fell to the ground and skidded to stop. He watched his body language to prepare for his next attack. Laxus thrust his lightning hand forward again and He snarled and thrust his hand again over and over. Natsu-san kept jumping and flipping to dodge his attacks. Laxus became frustrated and began shouting something. ".........- dragon!" I started to regain my hearing. Laxus turned into lightning and hit natsu-san. He kept zig-zaging around and punching him over and over again. Natsu-san collapsed to his knees from the constant punches.

"It's natsu-san turn" I thought.

"I see you've gotten stronger, but I'm bored" natsu-san said.

"Time to end this chaos!" Laxus raise his fist up. "Salamander, I hope you are watching!" He yelled. A red lighting covered his raised hand. "Lightning dragon megaton red lightning" he chanted as he punched natsu-san, causing an explosion. After the smoke dispersed, we saw natsu-san holding laxus's hand. Laxus look in horror which made him smirk. Black blue flames covered his hand that was holding laxus's hand. "Chaos dragon inferno" he chanted as the flames covered laxus's entire body. "Argh" laxus yelled out in pain. Everyone watched in horror, but they were not surprised because it always ends this way. Natsu-san walk away as laxus fell on the floor.

"" Laxus said weakly.

Natsu-san walked towards me. "I'm going to take Lucy home" I nodded and he walked past me.

"Laxus! Natsu!" Master yells. "You two boneheads have done it AGAIN" natsu ignored him and walk past him.


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