Natsu and Lucy vs Fairy tail

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I feel a pain in my side and in my head. Blood is dripping down my head. I felt a pain in my side, and my eye's shot open. I cough and some blood comes out. I look up slowly and saw natsu with me.

"What was that?" I asked, trying to get up.

"Apparently, the entire guild is controlled by one stupid demon" natsu answered bluntly.

I looked at everyone, their eyes were black and they looked really angry. "How can one demon control the entire guild? Must be pretty strong" I thought as I held by bleeding head. "How come we are not controlled?" I asked natsu and he didn't answer.

"Lucy,  I'm glad you're okay" happy hugged me tightly.

"Me too" I pat his head. "Happy, you need to get away from here, we'll handle this" happy looks at me and nods and flew away. "This is my first time fighting my friends. I hope I'm strong enough to beat them"

"Attack!" Erza yelled.

That's when all the members of the guild attacked us, I didn't want to hurt them but they were after natsu and me.

"Lucy, call your spirits!" Natsu yelled.

"B-But we'll hurt them" I said stuttering

"So? They don't like you anymore" he said looking back at me. "Just kick their butts"

My eyes widen with hurt. I nodded and called out Loke and he immediately went into action."chaos dragon roar" natsu yelled pushing some of the guild members back from the blast. I changed to Leo star dress and I was fighting Gajeel, Gray and Evergreen, while natsu was fighting Erza, mira-san and laxus. Evergreen took off her glasses but i immediately looked away. "Ice devil zero destruction cannon!" I head Gray yell and he shot the cannon at me, but Loke jumped in front of me and disappeared into a glittering dust. "Loke!" I said almost collapsing but I got out another key and called Taurus and he didn't make any perverted comments this time. "Thank goodness"

"Moo, no one shall hurt my Lucy!" he yelled swinging his axe at Gray
I was then hit in the stomach by Gajeel and I coughed up a bit of blood. I then changed to Taurus star dress. Wendy soon joined him and here I am facing a S-class wizard, a demon slayer and two dragon slayers. "I could use this opportunity to test out my strength against them". I then yelled out. " I'm fired up!"

"Moo!" Taurus yelled attacking Gray. I sighed, now that Gray was busy, I'll handle the rest. Wendy shot wind from her mouth, but I quickly dodged it. I then use fire dragon flames of emotions flaming whip and wrapped it around Evergreen. "Natsu wouldn't noticed since he's busy fighting around that corner" I thought. "Sorry Ever" I said softly and I pulled her forward, a bit harsher then expected and she fell forward and hit her head hard on the table. Well I have certainly gotten stronger thanks to the S-class missions I've been going with natsu. Out of no where Elfman hit me in the stomach and I screamed in pain, I fell to floor, grabbing my stomach.

"GAH" I heard Natsu groan. I looked over to him and he was facing laxus, Ezra and Mira-san. They all seemed slightly out of it but Natsu was still going strong. "This is so annoying" I hear him grumbled. "Ice devil lance!" I heard Gray yell at Taurus but Taurus hit all of the ice spikes out of his way and hit Gray with full force and he was knocked out, then Juvia came in. "No one hurts my Gray-sama" she growled with dark aura surrounding her which crept me out. she then started to attack taurus with waves of water and he was washed away. "Sorry Lucy" he said disappearing. I had an idea. I put a key in Juvia's water. "Gate of the water spirit I open thee...Aquarius" Then in a blink of an eye Aquarius was summoned but she looked at me annoyed but her annoyed face turned into a soft expression.

"A-Aquarius! Go all out, as usual" I said still clutching my stomach. She nodded and sent a tidle wave in Juvia's direction, using Juvia's water against her. The whole guild was flooded. Natsu got to a safe place and after a while, the water reduced and everyone was knocked down. Aquarius went back to the spirit world. Then I saw black smoke coming out from everyone and it formed into a person. He wore a long black jacket and a metal helmet and a tail. "You will all die!" He yelled.

I was out of magic, but I can still fight. I was about to hit the demon, he shot lasers at me. "Lucy watch out" Natsu yelled and the lasers hit me. It was so fast, I couldn't dodge in time. I struggled to get up. Natsu immediately ran to him and The demon was ready to attack again. Natsu lit his hands on fire, trying to punch him but that hardly did anything. I was tired and sore, I can barely fight.


"Natsu! watch out!" Lucy yelled.

"Whoa!" I yelled jumping up in the air because he almost whipped me with his tail. I landed back down on the ground. Lucy's back was facing my own back and about half of our guild was surrounding us now. "Damn, they're awake. I guess he still controls them". I had a cut in my shoulder but that's nothing, I looked back at Lucy and she had a few cuts and bruises on her Legs, Arms and head, but other than that she seemed okay. Lucy's spirits were gone now. Our guild members were cornering us.

"Hurting your friends...your master wouldn't be too pleased about that" he chuckled. "Let's finish this!"

His eyes glowed red and black magic started to flow out of him. I grit my teeth as I was hit with the wave of magic. I realised what he was trying to do.

"He's going to blow up the guild" I said. I tried to stop him. Suddenly, black ropes appeared and held me. I tried breaking free, but it was so difficult. Happy came out of nowhere and started helping me cut the ropes. Happy and I were trying to get to him but kept on being pushed back by the ropes. The demon was getting ready to explode, and nothing could stop it from coming. Everyone were still controlled.

Lucy managed to run forward and she grabbed him and managed to bind him. She suddenly carried him and ran outside the guild to the beach. I finally broke the ropes and ran to her and the guild were chasing us. I didn't care cause I was worried about Lucy. I saw her forcing him to stand still and closed her eyes.

"LUUUUUCY!" I screamed, but I was too late. Black enveloped the demon and Lucy as they took the explosion head on. The black magic that was leaking from him was gone. Everyone clasped on the ground, panting from being mind controlled. They all stared at the hole in the ground, where the demon and Lucy were once standing. The ground was broken, there was...nothing left. My body started to shake as I stared at the centre of the hole. Happy cried, and everyone stared with silent.

"She's gone" I whispered. "She.... can'"

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