camera shy

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You never know what you can get addicted to. Apparently you can get addicted to anything: food, exercise, sleep, you name it. I always thought addiction would never play a part in my life, but something that Suna just said made me think.

"She's like...addicted to you.", he mumbled, referring to Lani of course.

I mean, I doubt she's addicted; she's just spiteful because I'm with Suna and she wants him. Jealousy is a common feeling.

"I don't think so.", I reply as we walk into the school building.

"You never know, maybe she has a secret lair dedicated to you.", he jokes and I dig my nails into his hand, making him wince.

"Shut the fuck up, she's right there.", I discreetly gesture to a point at the side of the corridor about 10 feet away from us.

Unfortunately, we don't go unnoticed by Lani. She turns around quickly, not a single hair on her neatly done head flying stray as we make eye contact.

"Hey Suna.", she smiles.

He nods a little, then I feel him grab my hand and begin walking away faster.

"And hey (y/n).", she continues.

"Bye Lani.", I respond, just as Suna pulls me around the corner, aligning us with the corridor that our lockers are on.

"She is so fucking annoying.", he groans as he leans against the locker next to mine, holding my bag for me.

"I know, its weird."

I turn the dial to put in the correct code and as the grey metal door swings open, hundreds of photos fall out of my locker and all over the floor.

They've clearly been developed unprofessionally, some of them are blurred but others are crystal clear. I pick up one of the photos that sits on the in my locker, and my eyes widen.

"This is a photo of me.", I show Suna the photo and he looks just as gobsmacked. There I am, walking down the hallway of the hotel we stayed at for the competition, in a towel and slippers.

I flip the photo over and a red love heart is drawn on the blank space, in thick ink that bleeds down the photo.

"Look at this.", Suna's voice breaks me out of my trance and he holds up another photo. This time, its both of us featured in the image. From when Suna came to my room at the hotel, the night we made our relationship official.

We're on the bed together, but the strange this is, Suna is completely scribbled out with the same red ink. On the back, a broken heart is drawn.

"What the fuck...", I mumble as I look at the ground. All the photos pool at my feet, they're like a timeline of my most recent experiences. When I left school, when I went to Suna's house, when Mya and I visited the new cafe.

The most alarming one though, is a photo of me in Mya's bathroom, washing my hands. It was taken on her birthday, the same time I heard the camera clicking.

"Does that mean that this was Lani's doing?" I think out loud.

"Isn't it obvious? She's obsessed with me, and now she's obsessed with you because of me."

"That makes sense.", I gather together all of the photos and force them into my bag.

We walk down the corridor towards our first class, my whole body feels seized up and tense as we do so.

Suna must notice this, perhaps from my sweaty palms or maybe my hunched shoulders. Either way, he stops just before we enter the classroom and says, "Don't worry, you're safe with me." Then he kisses my cheek and guides me into the classroom.

It doesn't get any better.

We've never had a set seating arrangement, you're allowed to sit wherever you want in each class. But as the months have gone by, people have tended to repeatedly gravitate to certain seats, so there are unspoken rules as to where you can and can't sit.

'My' desk is different from the rest today. There's more of those photos, glued all over the table and chair. I feel like I could cry.

Suna is quick to begin pulling them off one by one, whilst I just look around, slightly dazed and extremely confused.

Nobody in here would've done this. This class is only taken by a few people, Suna's the only person I know properly. No, this was somebody else.

I feel my phone vibrate and I already know who it is. The worst timing imaginable.


you're sweet like honey.

I don't reply, like usual. Then I hear something strange. Like a buzzing sound.

Its so hot in here.

The buzzing sound keeps getting louder and louder. I can't even tell if its in my head or from somewhere else.

My hands are so sweaty.

Just as Suna pulls off the final photo, the lid to my desk slightly lifts up and I realise what's been making the buzzing sound when a bee flies out from the gap.

I angrily rip open the lid to my desk and in there, is a beehive. A whole fucking beehive. An active one.

Bees instantly swarm the room and many people scream, quickly grabbing their things and running out of the classroom before they can be stung. Suna and I do the same.

I begin to pace towards the front of the school, with the intention of leaving, but a hand grabs my wrist.

"Woah, are you ok?", Suna's deep voice asks.

"No I'm not ok. Someone thought it would be funny to put a live beehive in my desk. Would you be ok after that?", I snap back.

"I'm sorry, come here.", he pulls me into a secure hug. "We're gonna find out who did this."

"We already know. Its Lani and I'm gonna beat her ass.", I mumble into his chest.

"I'm sure you will."


"So you're going for 2 whole weeks?"

"Yes (y/n), it was a spur of the moment decision. I need to get away. He offered, so I accepted."

My Mum is leaving with her new boyfriend. They're going on a 2 week getaway to France, and consequently, leaving me here alone. Not the best timing considering what's been going on recently, but I don't want to worry my Mum so I haven't told her anyway.

I didn't realise she'd be leaving so soon, but before I know it, she's out the door with her suitcases and into the taxi with the new man.

"Brilliant.", I mumble and make my way to my room.

I push open my door and go to look out of the window, but jump back when I see a bee crawling along the glass.

Annoyed and frustrated, I take out my phone to text Suna.


can you ft

of course
smth wrong?

no, just wanna talk to you

i can come over if you want

yeh please

ok ill be 20 minutes
are you sure nothing's up?

bring my charger please
i left it in your room

ofc princess
want ice cream?

authors note: hi im back and i don't think ill disappear for a month again lol

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