a whole group of bitches

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After Amira had been caught, I still felt on edge despite the reassurance of my house being under police surveillance 24/7.

I didn't suspect her at all. Thinking about it, the eyelash led to Lani, the easy access to my desk led to Lani, the general resentment towards mine and Suna's relationship led to Lani. I really did think it was her.

Amira had no reason. She claimed to be in love with me, but I'd only met her a few times. Even then, we didn't really talk because she made me extremely uncomfortable.

Nonetheless, life had to go on. So I went home and tried to continue living normally. My day would go something along the lines of : go to school, ignore questions, go home, clean, cook, do homework, sleep. Then on the weekends, I'd just stay in and watch movies.

This went on for days, until my Mum finally returned from her holiday. I had no choice but to start socialising since I didn't want to tell her anything about what happened.

Currently, I'm packing. Due to recent events, my friendship group have decided to take a camping trip. Just for a weekend, in some forest a few hours away from home. I had initially declined, wishing to stay at home in my comfy bed rather than sleep on a blow up mattress and sleeping bag for two nights, but after Atsumu nearly cried whilst begging me to come, I caved.

I tick off 'fluffy socks', the final thing on my list of items I need to bring. Its just after 4, but I'm not being picked up by Atsumu until 6pm. Enough time for a nap, but then I won't sleep later. I can just sleep in the car if needs be.

Sluggishly, I drag myself and my bag downstairs. My Mum is sitting on the sofa and sweet-talking her boyfriend through the phone; probably something I shouldn't be hearing since she notices my presence in the doorway and quickly scurries out of the room.

With a sigh, I slump myself and my bag onto the sofa. I grab the TV remote and put on a random channel for background noise as I grab the letter with my name on,

"Wake up!", a familiar and annoying voice rings through my ears.

I open my eyes and Atsumu's figure slowly comes into view. He's shirtless and his hair is all ruffled messily. His eyes also droop low and his smile is sloppy.

"You look like you've just woken up.", I insult as I sit up and stretch my arms out.

"I have, Osamu just called me. Its just gone 8:30pm.", he grabs his t-shirt and slips it on, concealing his abs and v-line once more. "I swear I set an alarm for us."

"Why didn't you just wake me up?!", I complain and grab my shoes to put on.

"You look so peaceful when you're sleeping, so I figured I'd just nap with you.", he shrugs.

I roll my eyes. Atsumu and I always nap together. Most of the time its involuntary though. Atsumu grabs his car keys from the floor and takes my hand, pulling me off the sofa which I previously resided on.

"Lets go.", he says quietly. "They'll all be asleep by the time we get there if we don't get a move on."

Nodding, I unlock the door after yelling a goodbye to my Mum. Atsumu and I quickly descend my porch steps and get into his car, throwing my bags into the backseat recklessly.

Without hesitation, Atsumu starts the engine and begins to drive. I connect my phone with the aux and press shuffle on my playlist. The first song to leave the speakers is ________.

"(y/n), can I ask you something?", Atsumu questions, out of the blue.

Its dark now. The only light ,besides from the headlights of cars, comes from street lamps; pockets of orange; pockets of yellow; pockets of white. They whip past me quickly as Atsumu leaves the city streets and gets out onto the highway.


"I-uh, well...", he stumbles over his words and can't get them out. "When I got to your house, you were asleep already. Properly passed out."

"That's not a question."

"I'm getting to it.", he bluntly replies before continuing, "You had something in your hand, a letter. The envelope was open but the letter looked untouched."

I scoff, now realising where he's going with this. "You opened my letter and read it."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. But (y/n), do you know who sent you that letter?"

"No. Since I haven't read it."

"I...I think you should take a look. I put it in your bag."

Giving him a confused look but still complying, I reach into the backseat and pull my bag onto my lap. I unzip it and grab the letter which is placed on the very top of my clothes and other belongings.

I pull the paper from its envelope, my eyes widening as I begin to read.

Dearest (y/n),

You are a beautiful, smart and thoughtful person. Anyone would be lucky to have you as their own. Infact, I'd kill to have you as my own.

Now, whilst I appreciate that you're currently in a relationship (that began as something fake to deter an obsessive fangirl) with Suna Rintarou, I'm unwilling to appreciate your ignorance towards me. I've recently tried to befriend you, explore your interests, gain your trust, but these attempts were merely in vain.

You refuse to give me any attention. It hurts. Why should I have to hurt? You should be the one hurting. So to my sweet girl, this is a warning; Amira was bad, but I am worse.

Don't g3t too comfy in the wo0ds tonight. Stay 5afe until I see you ag4in, which should be very soon. Xx

"I have no idea...", my voice trails off as I come to a horrifying realisation. "Its happening again. This stalker shit. There's a whole group of bitches after me."

author's note- Sorry for disappearing. The next two chapters will be uploaded together and ASAP, it'll make sense why when you read them. I've planned out the ending for this and I'm so excited. (theres around 12 chapters left).

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