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"So then you fucked? Was it good?"

"You seem more eager about this than I was when it happened."

"You're never eager to do anything."

Mya's over at my house, she demanded to come over after I told her about last night. I would've preferred to get an early night, because I'm always tired, but she can be so insistent and I just can't say no to such a pure soul.

We also decided we'd try work some more of this stalker stuff out. With Remy being the one to chase us down in her car, our aim is to work out a motive, and potentially where she is now.

"There's nothing wrong with that.", I defend myself.

"Sure. Anyway. Did Suna have any ideas about why Remy might've...y'know, done that?"

"I don't think so. Even if he did, I don't think he'd tell me."

"I get that, I mean, it is his sister after all. I bet he's still in shock."

"Maybe. What do you think? If you were her, why would you do it?"

"Uh...maybe if she was paid? Or, maybe she was in love with you?"

"Two strangers being in love with me, and those two strangers both turning out to be insane? I feel like that's a rich coincidence. Maybe someone did pay her."

"But who? I know you start fights with people, but nothing you've done warrants all this."

I roll onto my stomach, laying flat on my bed but with my head turned to face Mya. She's sat cross-legged. "I don't know. It could be anyone."

"Are you sure you can't think of anyone?"

"I'm sure. I mean, unless Amira's decided to get back into the business. But I mean, she seems like she's now under just as much threat as I am."

"True.", she sighs and strokes my hair gently. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm as ok as one who's being violently stalked could be. Room for improvement I'd say."

"(y/n).", she pouts. "I'm gonna walk you home every single day from school. But don't feel pressure to come back to school. I'm sure they'll understand."

"I feel like I'd rather be at school than at home. Studying for exams will distract me a little bit anyway."

"That's true, but honestly I'm sure you won't even need to study a lot. You're so smart."

"Because I study.", I smile and sit up as I feel my stomach growl. "Hungry?"

She nods, so I get to my feet and she does the same. "Come downstairs, I'll make something."


I made (chose a meal). I've made it a few times before, so it wasn't difficult to fix up. Currently, Mya and I are sat at the island in my kitchen, eating. She's also just telling me of her recent escapade with Osamu.

"I mean, he's changed me so much. Not in a bad way. But I mean, I never even imagined myself with a boyfriend. Never mind having one, and having sex with him in the cinema's bathroom. I feel so gross but so...liberated?"

"You feel liberated after fucking in a cubicle?"

"I guess so. It just feels nice having someone who wants me so uncontrollably."

"That makes sense. Still though, I hope you showered after though."

"Oh yeah of course, I took the longest shower..."

"...sounds like you're not done?"

"Then we fucked in the shower."

"Oh my God.", I facepalm, but smile. "You're actually-"

I'm cut off by the sound of harsh tapping on the window. It sounds as if something is being throw at it, maybe, stones? Or eggs?

"What?", Mya queries.

I must've imagined it. "Nothing. I was gonna say you're wild."

"Its not me I swear, its him who always- wait did you hear that?"

So I didn't imagine it. "Yeah. It sounds like stones."

"Should we look?"

"Probably should yeah.", I sigh and get off my barstool, to peer through the window. Its too dark outside to see anything, despite it only being around 4:30pm. "Mya, flick the patio lights on."

She complies and the warm lights soon illuminate the garden.

On the ground, around a metre away from the window, are many various pebbles and stones, in a messy pile.

But the most alarming thing, is what's on the lawn ahead.

We have these larger rocks that surround the small pond at the end of the garden. The pond is usually dried up, but since its been raining so much, there's a little bit of water.

These rocks aren't around the meagre pond though, instead, they're on my lawn, arranged in the shape of the initial of my first name.

Surrounding the rock display, are petals. They're all slightly different, presumably coming from the many different flower bushes we have growing. The petals are organised into a love heart shape around the initial.

"What the fuck...", I hear Mya mutter as we both stare out the window.

I'd usually feel my heart racing and palms sweating, but to be honest, I'm too tired to even be scared anymore.

I'm sure my unnerved reaction will arrive at some point, but it'll most likely be delayed and in some weird, unexpected form. I'll probably have a breakdown at school if someone mentions it.

So I quickly close the blinds to the window and turn around to face Mya.

But before I can speak, I hear knocking on the front door. Both of us almost jump out of our skin as the sound pierces the silence.

"Are you gonna...answer?"

"I'm gonna look who it is."

So we both creep over to the door and I spy through the little peephole to see who it is, but nobody's there.

I go to unlock the door, but Mya grabs my hand. "Are you sure we should open it?"

"There's nobody there Mya.", I try to reassure her with an unsure voice, she hesitantly nods.

So I go to unlock the door once again and swing it open. A gust of wind breezes through the open doorway and into the house. 

As I saw, there's nobody on the doorstep.

But there is a letter on the welcome mat, addressed to me. Mya looks absolutely petrified, but I'm not at all worried as I recognise the handwriting instantly.

"Don't worry, this is Rin's writing."


a/n: once i finish this book, would anyone be interested if i wrote a Connie fic?? i have this idea for one

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