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"How", Mya asks me, smoothing down her black skirt.

"The death? Severe brain trauma, practically brain dead from the injuries.", I reply as we pull up to the cemetery.

"Oh. Well, has Remy made a statement about it?"

"I don't really care if she has. I don't wanna hear what she has to say.", I shrug as we both get out of the car, and begin walking towards the already large group of people.

Today is Amira's funeral. She died shortly after the encounter she had with us, from the battering that Remy had given her. Although I hated her guts, the way she died is rather tragic.

Due to exams, we've been granted a study leave. We don't have to be at school unless we have an exam, the point of this being for us to do some peaceful and effective revision. Mya and I decided this funeral was something we couldn't miss though.

Walking over to where she'll be buried, I can hear loud, violent sobbing. Both Mya and I simultaneously look at the source of the noise; a woman with dark hair.

She's wailing loudly, as if she's in significant pain or agony, and a man, also with dark hair, is holding her to keep her from collapsing to the ground.

"Is that...her Mum?", Mya whispers. "They look identical."

"I don't know.", I respond, taking her hand and pulling her away from the crying woman.

The funeral begins shortly after. All the bodies dressed in black stand almost statuesquely still, and in complete silence. The wind's whistle, and the sobbing lady, is all I can hear.

I don't recognise anyone. That was one of the reasons I came, to see if anyone I knew was closely connected to Amira. But that's clearly been unsuccessful.

Her sobbing only grows louder as the casket descends into the ground. A dark brown casket with gold detailing, adorned with bright, yellow flowers everywhere.

Its a rainy day, the sky overcast with dreary clouds of grey, and raindrops slicing the air. The air is cool and damp, sort of heavy on the lungs. It seems as if the world is moving in slow motion, everything appearing to be a little softer and more peaceful.

Scanning the faces around me, I appreciate the sea of emotions.

Some look distraught and devastated, I assume these were some of her closest friends or family members. Then there's others, with a deadpan, emotionless face, like mine and Mya's.

Crying isn't mandatory. I'm not crying, she tried to kill me. She stalked me. She essentially ruined my life. Mya almost glares at the casket in fury.

I'm sure many of the people here have happy memories with Amira, ones they choose to reminisce on, they probably have framed photos of her on their walls, or months and months of messages with her. She's still human. She just didn't treat me like I was.

"Now, we'll have a few words from the deceased's Mother.", the funeral director announces, in a sombre tone.

The crying lady from earlier appears to compose herself. The breeze tosses her hair around messily. She takes the microphone from the director, with a shaking hand, and begins to speak.

" daughter. My everything. Amira was...amazing until the end. She made everyone laugh, smile, and also helped uplift the mood of anyone feeling down. My baby had a pure heart. She was a good, good girl. I don't understand- I-I don't know where it all went wrong. Over the recent weeks...I couldn't recognise her. She wasn't the beautiful, talented and smart girl I raised, she was...someone else.", she has fresh tears streaming down her face, and her voice is slightly nasally.

She continues, "Obsession ruined my baby. She was in love with someone who didn't love her back. Someone who didn't deserve her. It made her sick. This is what killed her. Not the assault, not the negligence of hospital security, no, it was the sheer agony she held in her heart. I could see it happening, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I hope that the person who she loved, the one who shattered her heart, feels as much pain as she did. I hope they...never...never get better."

I feel Mya nudging my arm, so I glance up, and freeze.

Amira's Mum is staring right at me as she speaks. Tears are still spilling from her eyes, yet she doesn't blink. Her fist is clenched so tightly that the paper she's holding is crumbling, and her face is so tense I can see veins in her forehead.

She pauses for a moment, then she literally screams. "Are you happy?!"

Nobody speaks.

"Well, (y/n), are you happy?!", she points at me, making everyone's gaze move to my direction. "Why are you even here?! To mock her death?! Her family?!"

I don't reply, frozen in spot. Then I hear Mya speak up. "She came to pay her respects! Something your daughter knew nothing about!"

Amira's Mum almost leaps out of the grasp of her husband, and dashes over to us. We both quickly take off running from the funeral.

It doesn't take long for us to make it back to Mya's car, quickly jump in, and drive away from the cemetery.


"I knew you shouldn't have gone.", Osamu sighs, sitting down next to Mya and pulling her into his chest. She got changed out of her funeral outfit (a black pleated skirt and black button up shirt) into a pair of Osamu's sweatpants which are a little big for her, and one of his t-shirts.

We decided we'd go to the twins' house. Neither of us wanted to go home alone after the incident at the funeral, and the twins live close to both of our houses.

"Well, I didn't know she even knew who I was.", I respond, fiddling with the strings of the hoodie I changed into. I have some clothes at the Miya household, due to it practically being my second home.

"Still though, it was brave.", Atsumu comments as he enters the room with cups of (choose warm drink) for both Mya and myself.

I thank him as he hands me the mug and sits down next to me.

"Were you scared?", Osamu asks.

I pause, unsure of how to respond.

Was I scared? I was definitely unnerved, but scared? After all the things I've experienced, I feel like I'm slowly becoming desensitised to everything, including fear.

"I think it was more disturbing than scary.", Mya answers his question, clearly sensing my bewilderment. "I was scared when she ran at us though, which was kind of my fault."

"It wasn't your fault.", I instantly reassure her. "You only did what you thought was right. It was me who had a poor approach."

"We really shouldn't have gone.", she sighs, sinking into Osamu's chest a little more.

"Maybe not, but I think it gave me some closure. Well, not the whole thing with her Mum, but the actual funeral."

Atsumu pats my thigh. "That's good then.", I smile at him.

After a few seconds, Osamu speaks. "We went to see Rintarou yesterday, after the exam."

"You did?", Mya and I reply in unison.

Osamu nods. "He's okay. He's not...awake, but he's doing well according to the doctors."

"I assume after they said that, they told you it could still go either way, right? They told me they're unsure as to whether he'll die, wake up, or have the plug pulled."

"Well...", Atsumu hesitates. "They did say that to us, vaguely. But he seemed really positive about his recovery, barely mentioned...any other outcome."

My heart warms. "That's good to hear.", I smile and Atsumu pulls me into a hug.

"He'll be okay (y/n)."

I hope so.


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