athletic ability is a gift

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A week passed. A whole week of Suna ignoring me since we kissed. And to be honest, its really pissing me off.

You know that feeling you get when you finally let someone get close to you, and then they just leave? That's how I feel.

So all week I've been kinda down, and people noticed.

First it was Mya of course, she's who I spend most of my time with. She kinda connected the dots and suspected that it was something to do with Suna, but I didn't want to admit it and she didn't pry.

To be fair, she seems a little sad herself recently, but she hides it so well. She keeps throwing random paper balls at me with love hearts or 'i love you' notes on them in class.

Then it was my Mum, who also linked me being down to Suna, but she did pry. So I ended up explaining everything to her, and she just advised me to try speaking to him about it, because there could be something going on. But she did also remind me not to be a pushover for him.

Atsumu noticed too. I obviously couldn't tell him, because he's friends with Suna and I don't really want the message getting back to him that I'm upset. Its not that I don't trust Atsumu with my secrets, its that I don't trust him not to attack Suna because of it.

Regardless of all of that, today is the day before we leave for the competition. The school has given permission for the sport teams participating to take today off timetable and practice instead.

So currently, I'm sat under the bleachers watching everyone else do their warm-up jog. I planned on skipping school, but I thought of Mya and how she probably wouldn't wanna be left alone all day, so I came in. There's no way I'm doing training though.

💪oikawa fan club💪

why is (y/n) online

idk why are you online

why are you online

you're shitty

bc i'm skipping practice


you'll be shit tmrw if you don't practice

i'm not gonna do anything anyway
im only going for mya

mya 😏
she's hot

she has a boyfriend

he also has a boyfriend 🤨

oh shit
i gtg
ly (y/n)

ly bye

i have to go too
but if you want me to kick sunas ass give me a call and ill be there

thanks iwa

"Has anyone seen (y/n)?", I hear my track coach say.


I quickly but quietly jump up and make my way over to the far corner of the bleachers, further away from the coach than where I previously was.

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