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start the music when you see : <3

On Saturday, I woke up feeling kinda drained. The party had worn me out and the argument with Suna didn't help. I also had a ton of homework that I had to do, and doing it all took up time, time which I probably should've spent sleeping.

I didn't check my phone much, but each time I did, I saw the number of missed calls from Suna pile up. When I laid down to go to sleep that night, I checked my phone one last time. The number stood at 12.

Today, Sunday, I woke up early. It was involuntary.

It's currently 10am, I've just returned from a light run around the neighbourhood, and I've not checked my phone once since waking up just before 7am, deciding not to annoy myself.

I toss my sweaty clothes into the washing basket and then step into the steamy shower.


After I had showered and got changed into something comfy, I went downstairs, only to be greeted my Mya and my Mum sitting at the kitchen island having a conversation.

"Mya?", I say confusedly, taking a seat next to her on one of the tall, retro style stools.

"Hey, I came to see if you were ok. I got here whilst you were in the shower though.", she smiles and gives me a side hug.

"Oh right...yeah I'm okay.", I weakly smile back.

My Mum stands up slowly and stretches her arms up with a yawn, then announces, "I need to go grocery shopping now. I have a date later."

"Oh?", I raise an eyebrow.

She skips out the kitchen giddily without another word.

"Do you wanna go upstairs?", I say to Mya, who nods in response.

So we both climb the stairs and enter my room, eager to flop onto my bed and get comfortable.

"I just need to pop the question.", Mya states and props herself up on my bed with her elbows.

"The answer is no.", I deadpan.

"So you haven't spoke to Suna since your fight at the party?"

"No. He can fuck off."

"Has he apologised?"

"Yeah, a thousand times over text. Means nothing to me though. I don't want his online apologies."

"That's fair enough. What he said was just out of line, and there was literally no need. You're doing him a favour and I think he forgot that at the time."

I nod before letting out a deep sigh. "Oh well, I'm not bothered. If he wants to talk then we can talk in person. Anyway, did anything happen with Osamu?"

Mya instantly tenses up and an involuntary smile creeps onto her bashful face. "Uh-yeah...we like...y'know..."

"You did?!", I snap my head in her direction with a smirk.

"We did. It was good too."

"Mya!", I exclaim excitedly and jump on top of her, hugging her tightly. "I'm so proud!"

"Also, he invited me over tomorrow. I'm actually kinda nervous."

"You fucked him, but you're too scared to go to his house? You've been there before."

"Yeah but you were there that time!"

"I was with Atsumu!"

"Its different now though, that was just for a project. Now its serious."

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