rife confusion

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"Hey, you feeling ok?", Suna pulls me into a hug as I open the front door to him.

"Better yeah.", I let myself become engulfed in his familiar scent.

I close the door with my foot and make sure to lock it, feeling slightly paranoid after what happened earlier, and can you blame me? A beehive was planted in my desk by some unknown individual.

Of course I thought about the person who keeps texting me. It seems obvious that its them. Then I thought about the photos, the camera clicking sounds, and the eyelash we found at Mya's place. It all leads to the same person. I'm just not so sure if our number one suspect is as guilty as she seems.

"I swear, I won't let Lani get away with this.", Suna mumbles as we head upstairs to put down his belongings and let him change clothes.

"What are you gonna do? Threaten her? You know she won't care, that shit's second nature to her.", I roll my eyes and sit down on the bed, pulling my charger out of his bag and connecting it to my phone on the bedside table.

"I'll think of something. She deserves whatever's coming to her."

I begin to scroll through my phone without replying, only hearing the shuffling of Suna changing clothes behind me.

So to get more comfortable whilst I wait, I roll onto my side so I'm facing Suna, and as my eyes initially flicker from my phone to Suna, I do a double take.

I already knew that Suna had a great physique. I remember that he roamed around shirtless that time I went to his house to make our class project. But I never really paid attention, at the time I couldn't stand him.

But now I hate him a little less, I can't help but gawp at his back. The muscles, so toned and defined, flex slightly as he rummages through his bag for a t-shirt. Paired with his smooth skin, its a picturesque image; I want to frame it.

"Are you enjoying the view?", he suddenly asks whilst still facing his back to me, which snaps me out of my admiring trance.

"Wasn't even looking at you.", I state bluntly and go back to my phone.

"Sure sure, come here I need help."

I groan, but get up and make my way to that side of the room. "What could you possibly need help with?"

"I dropped something in there, and I don't wanna rummage through it.", he points to my laundry hamper which is mainly empty, besides a few items.

"Okay...what was it?"

"Um. An- uh...a hairbrush. Yeah a hairbrush."

I give him a death glare, before bending over and beginning to search in the hamper for the hairbrush.

But of course, that wasn't his intention. Because he quickly places his hands on my waist and pretends to bang me. I feel his dick grinding against me.

"Piss off.", I turn around and shove him away from me and onto the bed, with him laughing uncontrollably at my flustered but agitated behaviour.

"You're so cute when you're mad.", he says once he calms himself down.

"I will fuck you up I swear.", I threaten.

"You wanna fuck?"



We were watching a movie, cuddling up with each other as couples do- legs intertwined and faces close together. It was peaceful.

Until my phone vibrated at least 10 times within a minute.

"Someone really wants your attention.", Rintarou says tiredly and reaches into my pocket, handing my phone to me.

Of course its you.


hello gorgeous girl




are you ignoring me???

why are you ignoring me princess?

don't fucking ignore me

i swear i'll hurt you

answer now

fine, its like that is it? lets see what you're up to

oh how sweet, a movie with your boyfriend

a comedy?

i promise you,
i'll have the last laugh

"Cringe.", I say aloud as I let Suna read through all the texts I just received.

"Aren't you scared?", he sits up and heads to the window, peering out through the blinds. "Someone who's not invited just told us about our evening plans, and the only thing you have to say is 'cringe'?"

"What else should I do? Cry about it? I can't fix it.", I shrug.

I have a bad tendency to ignore problems. For some reason, I got this delusion that if I act unbothered and nonchalant towards the issue, it'll just go away.

Sometimes it works. Didn't get the grade I wanted; Acted unbothered and soon I genuinely did not care. Fallen out with someone; Ignored them for a while and soon it's as if nothing happen.

I'm not saying I condone this way out thinking. It's a toxic trait that I strongly dislike about myself. But it's also become a habit. Habits are addictive.

"I really care about you. If something bad happened to you, I don't know how I'd cope.", he begins and sits down next to me again.

"Okay, your point?"

He gives me that look. The look that says 'I know you aren't trying to be rude, but you are'. So I quickly apologise. "Sorry."

"Just please take this a bit more seriously, let me take care of you. I promise I'll keep you safe."

I smile weakly at him. This is a lot for anyone to handle, and for me being some who can't control some of their emotions, this is especially difficult.

"Alright.", I wrap my arms around his neck and let him hold me close in a warm embrace.

I feel relieved, but not completely. On the one hand, I have Suna saying he'll keep me safe and look after me, which is reassuring since my Mum has left me home alone.

But on the other hand, there's still a crazy bitch who's got it out for me, roaming around freely and without a name or face I can pin to them. And who knows what lengths they might go to in order to get what they want?

But more importantly...

What will they do next?
author's note— sorry for boring chapter, my exams start tmrw so might be a bit flimsy on updates (nothing new lol), but ill be as consistent as I can because I wanna finish this arc.

ᴏᴘᴘᴏsɪᴛᴇs ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ- ʀɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴀजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें