mixing names

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5:00pm, the Miya household, Atsumu's bedroom:

"So...did he confess?", I ask Mya as she ties her hair into a low bun.

After their previous experiences with each other, I expected that Mya and Osamu would've been dating by now or having something going on, but strangely enough, neither of them were confident enough to confess.

Well, that is, until now I hope. Yesterday, she went to Osamu's house on her own, only to be invited again today by Atsumu, along with myself and the rest of the team.

"Yeah...", her voice trails off and I raise an eyebrow.


"And I completely froze! It caught me off guard.", she wails and plops into a chair.

"So you rejected him?", I question.

"No...but I think I scared him a bit."

"I'm sure you didn't."

"I hope so.", she shrugs and gets out the chair. "Should we go sit with-"

"(y/n)! Mya!", Atsumu's voice up the stairs cuts her off.

We both leave his bedroom and head downstairs into the living room, where we sit with the rest of the team who are sat either on the floor, a giant beanbag, or the sofas.

I take a seat on an empty beanbag, and then Suna comes to sit next to me. So I move.

"Ugh (y/n), why are you so mean?", he whines and flops onto the beanbag.

Aren't you embarrassed? Your entire team is here but you're still moaning like a bitch.

"You wanna see mean?", I retort.

A few of the boys lowly laugh as Suna launches a pillow at me. I sit next to Atsumu, allowing no space for Suna to sit with us. He narrows his eyes at me from across the room but doesn't say anything, then he puts his head back down onto the beanbag.

"(y/n), we're ordering smoothies, do you want one?", Aran asks me. He's sat next to Kita on a sofa.

"Yeah please, I'll get (fave smoothie).", I smile back.

Suna lifts his head up and says, "Are we still going on that smoothie date (y/n)?"

"Are you still talking?"

Listen, I felt bad. Keyword: felt. When he was on my front steps in the rain, with teary eyes and an apology which seemed genuine, of course I felt bad. So I let him in. Into my house, not into my heart. We aren't best friends, things are still how they were before.

"Lovers quarrel?", Atsumu asks me quietly.

"You could say that."

"It'll be ok. Just give it time."

I nod, kind of taking his words to heart. Whilst fiddling with the ring on my finger, something crosses my mind. The school competition season for track starts when we finish break. (author's note- idk if it does I just made this up)

Everyone is expected to compete. But there's no way I'll be doing that. There's actually a 3 day tournament where we have to stay overnight.

Literally don't know why the school would even enter us, we won't win anything.

Kita and Aran finish ordering the smoothies just as Osamu grabs the remote and puts on a movie. Finally, now we can have some quiet.

Well, that's what I thought.

These people talk through the entire beginning 20 minutes, so much that I can't even follow the plot without having my train of thought being disturbed.

A knock at the door signifies that the smoothies have arrived, and I almost jump up to go and get them, not wanting to watch a movie without being able to hear it.

I answer the door and thank the delivery guy, tipping him generously. Then I pick up two of the four drink holders which each hold two drinks, realising that I'll have to make two trips. I turn around to go back to the living room, and flinch when I see Suna standing right behind me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!", I defensively hiss.

"What's your problem?", he ignores my question and picks up the other two drink holders.

"What's your problem? You're getting on my nerves."

"Why are you like this? You were fine the other day, and now you hate me again?"

"I never stopped hating you. I felt bad...I guess.", I hold eye contact with him for a few brief seconds, then roll my eyes and turn away from him.

"You want me to fuck you so bad, its obvious.", he states with a smirk I didn't see. Then, he comes up close behind me and whispers in my ear, "That can be arranged. But for now, you better behave your pretty little self and act like the best girlfriend ever. Got that, princess?"

"You aren't a heartthrob. Ugly ass.", I reply and walk back into the living room.

I hand everyone their respective drinks and then sit down with Suna (involuntarily, and who pulled a blanket over us) and my own drink. I begin listening to the active conversation.

"Oh yeah, Mya Miya rolls off the tongue. Kinda confusing though.", Aran says with a shoulder shrug.

"Hm, how about Ojiro Ki-?", Osamu replies with a smirk.

"How about shut up?", Aran cuts him offfeverishly.

"(y/n) Suna.", Atsumu says monotonously. "Doesn't sound bad."

"Yes it d...", I begin to protest, but Suna places his hand on my inner thigh which catches me off guard.

"I think it sounds good.", he says and looks at me whilst stroking circles on the sensitive skin with his thumb. "Don't you?"

"...yeah.", I mutter, putting my drink down as everyone laughs.

"Aw, (y/n)'s going soft.", Atsumu coos.

I roll my eyes for what feels like the twentieth time today, and Suna moves his hand from my thigh. I curiously watch with a side eye as he puts his phone and smoothie onto the coffee table next to us.

Then, to my annoyance, he pushes me back lightly, so my back is flush with the arm rest. He wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my chest, turning his face away from everyone.

Mya notices and gives me a caring smile, to which I return with a sarcastic one. She laughs a little and points the scene out to Osamu who also chuckles a bit.


I wake up to screaming. Screams of horror, fear, and agony.

My eyes force open and I look around, seeing everyone watching the TV as a girl runs from a masked murderer. The lights are off and the curtains are closed, but I can tell that its night time, if I were to guess, I'd say 8pm.

I feel warm, like too warm. When I look down, I see Suna sleeping on my chest. The hood on his hoodie is up, but I can still see some of his hair. Our legs are intertwined comfortably, which is a scene I'm glad is covered by the blanket because I don't need anyone teasing me about this.

I want to wake him up and get him off me. But for some reason, I want him to stay there too.

Probably just my body craving the warmth.

So I decide to let him stay there, head on my chest and arms around my waist, for a little while longer.

I can't just excuse this by saying I felt bad.

But how do I feel?

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