track team

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The next day, school was bland. The lessons came and went, so in turn, I avoided and hid during them. Whilst I was under one of the stairwells, trying to skip my physics class, the speakers which are placed all around school played that annoying chiming sound, informing us that an announcement was about to be made.

'Good afternoon all, hope you're having a good day. I'd like to let you guys know that we as a school have decided to make it compulsory for each student to attend an extra-curricular activity. Whether this be a sports team or the cooking club, any of these groups are sufficient. We'd like to expand your opportunities and experiences as much as possible, giving you the most heightened skillset possible for once you leave this building for the last time. Thank you, sorry for the disruption.'

So that was how I ended up here, sitting on the floor outside the PE department and waiting for the rest of the new track team to come out of the changing rooms.

"Hey. You're (y/n), right?"

I look up from my fixed gaze on the ground and see a girl who's around the same height as me standing infront of me. She has brown and curly hair which is a couple inches past shoulder length. Her eyes are a dark brown, with long eyelashes and eyeliner on the waterline. She also wears a friendly, but not overbearing, smile on her face.

"Yeah. Why? and what's your name?"

"I'm Mya. I'm also new, and I heard some girls talking about you in the changing rooms, when I figured it was you, I thought I'd just come and say hi to make sure you're okay."

"Oh right...thank you. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You seem kinda sad.", she sits down next to me and begins to fiddle with a face-framing curl.

"Yeah, I just don't wanna do this club.", I make eye contact with her and carry on speaking, "You said you're new here, where did you transfer from?"

"Oh well, I used to live in Germany, even though I'm not originally from there. But then some stuff happened with my Dad, and my Mum moved over here a few years later. I stayed there, but then something else happened and my Dad didn't wanna look after me anymore. I got here nearly a month ago, but I delayed starting school as much as I could, until Mum forced me to go.", she looks kinda sad at the end of her explanation, and then frantically says, "Sorry for oversharing! I didn't mean to make it awkward."

"Its fine. Its better to get everything off your chest. Don't worry about your story getting out, I don't have anyone to tell anyway."

"Oh, well at least you have me."

"I do?"

"We can be friends, right? You've learnt more about me in these 5 minutes than my friends did back home-I mean, Germany, who I've known my entire life."

"Alright. Friends it is.", I give her a genuine smile and get to my feet as the other girls finally begin to filter out of the building and start walking towards the track.


I passed the 'initiation' with ease, and made it onto the track team. Quite a few girls were sent home, but Mya and myself had managed to hang on.

Unfortunately, so did a group of rather unkind girls. I haven't had a problem with any of them before, but I've heard about what they've done to those they don't like, the usual victim being the helpless girls that are too shy to stick up for themselves or any girl that looks at any of their boyfriends.

The ringleader goes by the name Lani. She's tall, slim, and absolutely gorgeous. However, she's also cruel, sly, and absolutely loathsome. I can't stand her. One thing that continues to confuse me though, is why she's still single.

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