car chase

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play song throughout its a one hour loop (great gig in the sky- pink floyd)

"We're not too far from your house, maybe we can lose them.", Suna calmly suggests whilst pushing 75mph on the road.

"We aren't leading them to my house! Are you dumb?", I nearly yell back at him.

"Ok well-", he cuts himself off by making a sharp left turn, "-what do I do then? Just keep driving?!"

"Yes! I'll call the police.", I say, dialling the emergency number.

He doesn't reply, but the car remains full of light due to the bright beams of our pursuer, and the deafening sound of its horn must be doing some damage to our eardrums.

This obviously isn't Amira.

'Amira was bad, but I am worse.'

I assume whoever's chasing us, is the same person or people who sent Amira that threatening text, the one saying they'd kill her.

Well, I'm just going off of logic. Knowing the experiences I had with that psycho bitch, this too could be someone completely random, someone who means nothing to me, someone I would never speak to.

We speed onto a dark, long and straight road. It must be on the outskirts of the city, as there's only a few houses (all without lights on), and no facilities that you'd commonly associate with a place of habitancy. No shops, no gas stations, nothing.

There's silence as the hand on the speed dial reaches higher and higher, desperately trying to reach its maximum.

"Yeah, the license plate is...", I tell the operator, trying to stay calm but with shaking hands. Surprisingly, Suna is the tranquil one. He's not said a panicked word, or any words, in a long while.

The operator informs me that the police are going to approach us from the opposite direction, meaning they're driving towards us instead of chasing us from behind.

When I ask how long they'll be, the operator pauses. She says nothing for a few seconds, then just tells me to keep driving and not leave the car for any reason.

I stay on the phone, as requested, but zone out quickly. I feel that same, sickly and nauseous feeling I had when the situation with Amira happened. The bridge, the knife, the gash on my arm, the crying.

At least this person isn't screaming at me. Hearing moans of actual pain and anguish, when directed at yourself, its genuinely gut-wrenching.

Sometimes I still hear it. It sounds like echoes, sometimes whispers, making me question whether its in my head or someone is actually speaking. I've kept it to myself though, my Mum would have an emotional breakdown, and Suna would too. I feel myself coming pretty close to one myself.

86mph. You'd think we would've reached the end of the road, driving this fast, or the police would've caught up to us by now, but they haven't, and the road seems everlasting.

"(y/n)?", I hear the operator say, but it sounds faint in my ears.

She repeats herself, its no louder. I can hear her, but I can't respond.

After she asks for my attention again and I don't reply, Suna snatches the phone from my hand and speaks himself. "I think she's in shock, I'm her..."

I zone out again, feeling a harsh migraine coming on. I can only look straight ahead, out of the window as we drive.

I feel like I came close to death when Amira attacked me. Even though it resulted in her being more at risk of losing her life. I'm always angry, or defensive, or snappy because I know I'm vulnerable. I keep it locked up and away, to stop myself from getting hurt, and it works.

ᴏᴘᴘᴏsɪᴛᴇs ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ- ʀɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴀOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora