mood swings

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Unfortunately, I have school today. I said goodbye to Oikawa and Iwaizumi after walking them to the train station, then I began making my way to school. I had received a text from Mya that morning, informing me that Osamu was giving her a lift to school. So, to not be a cockblock, I had no choice but to walk alone.

As of now, I'm sitting in geography with Mya, clicking my pen in a frustrated manner as I listen to the teacher give us a list of things we need to include in our project, and ending his lecture with a deadline for us to meet. 2 weeks.

Due to the change of partners, our teacher has allowed us to temporarily swap seats for ease. So now I'm sat next to Suna, with Atsumu and Kita behind us, and Mya and Osamu behind them. Infront of us, is Lani and one of her friends.

To top it all off, Suna's acting like he doesn't even know me.

Every time I try to ask him about something related to the project, he just replies with an 'mhm' or 'whatever' or 'its up to you', which is just making the whole thing 100 times more difficult.

Lani is all over him too, she and her friend have turned around and she's constantly touching his hair and face with a smile. Her friend is silent and just doing the work, but she occasionally looks at me with a sad face.

"Suna, what about the culture slide? Do you wanna do that one?"

"Not really."

"I'll do it about the country history one?"

"I don't care."

"Oh ok, so is that a yes or-"

"(y/n).", Lani deadpans, "He said he doesn't care, so stop asking. He's clearly not interested."

"Lani.", I say just as stoically, "Its a project, not speed dating. I just don't want to do all the work like your partner is."

"Well why don't you work with her then? And I'll work with Rinnie.", she taps his nose, whilst he's looking out of the window.

"Sure, go sort it with the teacher and I'd be happy to. Forget I even said anything. I'll do this shit on my own.", I snap, feeling myself get a little angry.

"Ugh (y/n) you're so annoying, can't you see we're tryna talk? But you just keep yapping at us."

"You started on me!"

Suna then turns his head to look at me with an unreadable expression.

"And when did you become her bitch?", I ask him.

"Don't talk to me like that."

"Then don't let your girlfriend talk to me the way she does! I'm just tryna get our project done since you're doing fuck all!", I raise my voice a little.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"I'm not a dickhead.", I pick up the folder containing all the papers for the project, along with the loose sheets from the desk, and drop it on his desk which makes a loud bang. "She may not be your girlfriend, but she's your new project partner."

I walk past the teacher, informing him that I'm going to the bathroom which he accepts, then leave the class.


Once I finish calming myself down in the bathroom, I leave and begin slowly making my way back to the classroom.

Then, the door to the janitor's closet I just passed by swings open and a hand swiftly pulls me inside.

"What are you doing? Get off me.", I look at Suna who's stood infront of me.




"Oh my God you're so creepy, stay the fuck away from me!"

I try to leave, but stop when he says, "I need your help."

"Not interested.", I go to leave again but he grabs my hand.


I sigh with an eyeroll. "What is it?"

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend so Lani leaves me alone."


"(y/n), please."

"You can go ask any other girl and they'll say yes. They love you and you know it."

"But they'll all go to Lani and tell her, I only trust you. Plus I saw how you handled her earlier.

"Still no."


"What don't you understand? I don't like you. Why would I want to help you? And it'll only cause problems for me."

"Yeah but-"

"And all day you've been ignoring me, I'm in my right mind to beat your ass for having the audacity. Leave me alone.", and with that as my final statement, I leave the janitor's closet.


The event with Suna has been on my mind ever since it happened. At dinner, my Mum even noticed that I was thinking about something deeply. I tried to watch a movie, but I kept thinking about what he said.

'I only trust you'.

What kind of person trusts someone who they can't even have a normal conversation with?

But regardless, he looked so sad. Like- I don't know. I don't know why I even care. I don't care. Kinda. I don't even feel guilty, I'm just intrigued.

Why is Lani so obsessed with him?

Why does she now have a problem with me?

Why does an asshole like Suna get so many girls?

And why does he want me to be his fake girlfriend?

I groan, regretting what I'm about to do.


i'll do it,
you'll have 2 months max

ᴏᴘᴘᴏsɪᴛᴇs ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ- ʀɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏᴜ sᴜɴᴀTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon